chapter 9

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after their engagement ayaan got a call from his music company.they said his next concert is in 1 week and too in london. they said he should leave for london as soon as possible. ayaan got tensed listening all this because he wanted to spend more time with ahaana.

rehaan-why are you tensed?

ayaan-mr. jha called me this morning and said my next concert is in london and i have to leave as soon as possible.

rehaan-so what's the matter?

ayaan-because i don't want to leave ahaana...i wanted to spend more time with her.

rehaan got shocked listening ayaan because its the first time ayaan was not happy for his concert.

rehaan-i can understand but when ahaana know about all this she will not happy knowing that you are ignoring your opportunities just because you want to spend more time with her.

ayaan-i think you are right and i should call her and tell about my concert.

rehaan-ok,u talk to her and i am going to pack your and my bag.

ayaan dial her number...after few rings she picked.


ayaan-hi,umm ahaana i wanted to tell you something.


ayaan-umm i am going to london in few days for my concert.

ahaana-ohhh(she sound sad)

ayaan-will you come with me to the airport?

ahaana-i don't know if i don't have any night shift on that day i will surely come.



rehaan-ayaan,let's go its time and we need to check in right!!

ayaan-just wait for sometime i know ahaana will come.

rehaan-ok only for 5 minutes.

after 5 minutes there is no sign of ahaana, so ayaan left for the airport feeling sad as well as the airport ahaana's family and ayaan's family  came to say good bye but ayaan's eyes only search for her.just when ayaan entered in the checking area sneha comes.


ayaan-ohh hi sneha 

sneha-i know whom you are searching but she can't come due to her night shift but she gave me something and said give it to you.

sneha give a letter to ayaan and said read it in the flight.

ayaan-ok and thanks.

sneha-happy journey and you too(looking at rehaan)

rehaan and ayaan both smiled at her.


rehaan slept besides ayaan as soon as he entered into the flight. ayaan wanted to read ahaana's letter so he made some excuse and starting to read her letter.

Dear ayaan,

i know you are upset with me and i am really sorry about that .actually i get an emergency in the hospital that's why i can't came but there is one more reason....i hate good byes and i don't know why i feel like when i see you leaving i can't hold myself and i don't wanted to be your weakness...i wanted to be your strength.

take care and have a happy and safe journey....message me when you reached


ayaan got his smile back after reading ahaana's letter. rehaan know about ahaana's letter but pretend to sleep. sneha told everything to him.they become close..... sneha started to trust rehaan and slowly open up to him.

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