All is forgiven- Fighting at school - 'eye catcher'

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(Zero's pov) 

This morning Ema and Yusuke were shocked I was in their class even though I'm younger. And later Ukyo revealed to them I had then top scores and they decided to move me up a grade. Ema was happy, but Yusuke was complaining for some reason. When he calmed down we finally went to school

Me , Ema, and Yusuke were walking to school. Many girls said I looked like a model while quite a few guys said I was 'hot'. All I could think about as I stared out at the disgusting student body surrounding us was how annoying they all were. 

"Hey Yusuke who's this?" a group of 3 guys around his age came up. He groaned as he looked away. "This is my sister," he muttered. A tall guy threw an arm around his shoulders.

"Wow, now you have 2 hot sisters?" he asked smirking at me. "Dude that's so wrong!" Yusuke yelled. Another guy came and took my hand. "Nice to meet you Hime-sama" he winked as he tried to kiss my hand, but before he could i kicked him in the stomach.

Ema and Yusuke had widened eyes while the guy's friends had their jaws dropped to the ground. All the surrounding students were watching.

'Another Kaname.' I thought bored. I looked at the guy and he seemed mad. "What was that for." he winced as he rubbed his stomach. I just stared at him then walked away. 

I heard running feet and looked behind me to see a group of girls screaming. 





I gave them confused looks. Ema then came and pushed me along away from the screaming fangirls.

When we made it to class Ema sat on my right. "You sure have a lot of fangirls.." she said. I didn't say anything as I continued to draw in my art book. "What are you drawing?" she asked.

I stopped what I was doing and tore out the picture and gave it to her. She grabbed it to look at the picture. it was a picture of her smiling. "Wow this is really pretty," she said. I knew she was looking at me, but I had my right temple on my knuckles as I drew again ignoring her.

When class ended it was already lunch. 'Is this all school has to offer? I'm younger and I already know everything.....' i thought annoyed as I kept walking and heard people whisper about me, I'm the new girl.

'Human beings can be so annoying...why is it that I'm one of the only people so far that are silent?' i thought annoyed. i put my hands in my skirt pocket when i felt something. i pulled it out and saw it was a ticket to Subaru's basketball game.

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