A day with Subaru and helping Ema

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(Zero's pov) 

i yawned as i woke up, i then scowled remembering i live in a house with 12 bozos. Not including Louis, Ema or Juli. Today was a Saturday. i got up and changed my clothes.

i got dressed and left my hair down.

(Which consisted of: A checker,button up black and blue shirt with a grey shirt on the inside, and black shorts that fell to my knee while my hair was down.) 

when i was putting on my shirt i ran my hand over my scar on my stomach. i glared and growled at it. There was then a knock on my door. 



"Zero can i come in?" came Louis's voice. "Hai." i called as i put my shirt down. Louis came in with a smile. he came and closed the door. "I was wondering if i could do your hair!" he said giving me a closed eye smile.

My breath hitched...i hesitantly nodded. he pulled out a chair and started to arrange my hair. He told me about what everyone does for a living and how everyone but the following would be out: Yusuke, Ema and Juli, wataru, and Subaru.



i slowly nodded. "There you go." he said. i walked over to the full body mirror.it was put into a high ponytail but it had curls and he left my right side bangs alone. He came up behind me and smiled.

"I can tell by your clothes your more a tomboy kinda gal, so i alternated but doing fancy but not to fancy." he smiled. "Thanks.." i muttered looking at the ground.



He patted my head. i flinched alittle wanting to break his wrist but instantly calmed down. "See your getting use to fast." he smiled. i shrugged.





We walked downstairs to see Ema helping Yusuke with his homework. "Oh good morning Louis, Zero!" Ema smiled. I didn't say anything, but Louis waved. Juli ran up to my shoulder and said good morning. i nodded.

'What are you doing?' i asked in sign. "Oh i'm helping Yusuke with Detective Science, its a sort of supposed to be a fun project for critical thinking.." she smiled. i looked to see they were answering questions.



'So what's wrong?' i wondered. Ema laughed sheepishly. "I can't seem to understand a question myself." she said as she scratched her cheek. i looked at the question they were stuck on.

Question 5) If a human body fell off the a 5 story building what would be the damage? 

i looked at them with a risen eyebrow like they were stupid.



Yusuke seemed to pick up on it. "THEN YOU AWNSWER IT!" He shouted sort of pouting at the end. I glared and did signs.



'You bloody idiot! Think about the impact! With a body falling that high then it would result in several things. 

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