New years eve with Harry

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"Oh please Y/N! It'll be fun. Harry will be there!" said my best friend Danielle. I groaned into the receiver, "But Danielle, I really don't want to. I'd rather stay home. I hate New Years Eve." I wasn't lying, I really did hate New Years Eve. The whole day just put a permanent frown on my face. Every single time was shitty for me. Between losing my grandmother and breaking my leg, it just wasn't my holiday and I despised it.

"Y/N, pleaseeeeeeee." She cooed into the receiver. After a few moments I grumbled, "Fine. But you owe me big time." I figured I may as well get off my ass and at least tryto enjoy myself. She squealed and said, "Okay! I'll text you the address. But hurry up, it's already 9:00! Liam & I are already here!" Then she hung up. I slowly got up and headed towards my closet. I grabbed the first thing I laid my eyes red dress. I slid it on and put on my matching black pumps. I began curling my hair and of course with my luck, I managed to burn my thumb. "Fuck!" I exclaimed. I quickly put it under ice water and somehow managed to finish doing my makeup with out my right thumb. I grabbed my purse and my black leather jacket and headed towards my car.

About 10 minutes later I pulled up in front of a lovely white house. It would've been a lot nicer if there weren't wasted 20 year old guys running around on the lawn, but it was still lovely. I walked up slowly to the front door. Several guys whistled at me, but I ignored it. I knocked on the door and Eleanor answered, "Hey Y/N! I'm so glad you could come. Danielle is in the kitchen!" I walked in the door slowly scanning the house to see if I knew anyone else but no dice. I headed into the kitchen and there stood Danielle.. "Y/N!" She exclaimed pulling me in for a hug. I hugged her and then pulled away and found Harry standing on the other side of the room with Liam. He looked so god damn good all dressed up. The guy really knew how to dress. I bit down on my lower lip and tried my best to listen to Danielle. I couldn't seem to focus all I did was stare at him and all he did was stare at me.

We stood silent staring at one another for at least a minute. Liam & Danielle looked at each other across the room and smiled. "Harry. Harry. HAROLD!" yelled Liam. Harry quickly stopped and looked over at Liam. "W-What?" "Damn mate, calm down. You were about to start drooling." He smirked and said, "Sorry...she's just so so stunning I can't stop. Her eyes are hypnotizing." Liam smiled and signaled Danielle to bring me over. I bit down on my lip once again and Danielle said quietly, "Y/N, this is Harry. Harry this is Y/N." He looked back into my eyes, this time I could really look into them. God they were beautiful. The way the light reflected off them and his hair, I could've sworn he was an angel. "H-Hello Harry. Nice to meet you." I said quietly, "Pleasure's all mine." He said before gently kissing the top of my hand. I felt like screaming, I really did. My inner 14 year old girl shown through and it was quite obvious. "Well um, Danielle & I will catch you guys later... Have fun kids, but not too much fun." He joked before playfully shoving Harry's arm. "Would you like to sit?" He said shyly. I nodded and he led me towards the couch in the living room. "So tell me about yourself," he spoke quietly. He was completely different than I thought. He seemed insecure, and nothing like the media painted him as...this gigantic flirt. He was courteous and a complete gentleman. I became so absorbed in thought I forgot to speak. "I'm sorry." I said softly after realizing what I've done, "I was just thinking..." He nodded slightly and his gorgeous smile turned into a small frown. "What's wrong?" I said, moving a bit closer to him. "I'm boring you...I'm sorry." "No you most definitely are not Harry, I'm just nervous that's all. I'm afraid I'll mess things up. I have a tendency of doing so..." He smirked a bit and said, "Don't worry. I'm the same way." He smiled and naturally I felt myself smiling back. We began talking through what seemed like minutes but it actually was for hours. Danielle & Liam came running towards us with noise makers and they began yelling, "Come on guys! It's all most time!" I broke our gaze quickly and looked up at Danielle, "Time for what?" I said puzzled. "Um you know, it's New Years Eve & the ball is going to drop in about 30 seconds!" She blew the noise maker once again and I looked back at Harry.

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