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Saying goodbye to your husband never got easier. The morning he had to leave, you clung onto him, making it difficult for him to get ready. But eventually you would have to let go, regardless of how much you didn't want to.

You gave him one last kiss just as he was halfway out the door. It was possibly the last time you would be able to kiss, to hug to touch him. You wanted to savour every last second with your husband.

And then he was gone.

~ 3 months later~

Exchanging letters was your favourite way to communicate. It was easier for him, and you definitely didn't mind getting a hand written letter. There was something comforting about reading his occasional spelling mistakes and rushed handwriting.

You had just received his next letter in the mail, so you went to the kitchen to sit at the table, eager to read his sweet words.

My dearest (Y/N),

It's been three months and not a day goes by where I don't think of you. I keep a picture of you wherever I go, just so I remember what is really worth fighting for. I'm not going to lie, it's getting pretty scary over here. We had a really close call yesterday, and I mean really close. We're all okay though, just a couple of cuts and bruises. We're going back into the city, or what's left of it tomorrow, but we'll come back safely. I don't want you to worry okay? If you find yourself worrying, I want you to wrap yourself up in my sweater, the one you love so much, and watch something funny. If something does happen to me, just remember that I love you so much. You are the absolute love of my life and I'm going to use every last ounce of energy and strength I have to get back home to you. Only two more months baby... then (hopefully) I'll be back home with you for good. I promise I'll write as soon as I can. I love you kitten.

Forever yours,


After you finished reading, your eyes welled up with tears, clutching the piece of paper to your chest.

The emotions were mixed. You were happy that he was safe, but quite upset that he might not come back from tomorrow's battle. That was the most overwhelming thought in your head at this moment.

So, doing what he had mentioned, you went upstairs to your shared bedroom, putting the letter into your special box with the rest of them, going over to his drawer and pulling out your favourite sweater of his.

When you put it on, you were immediately engulfed by his scent. The comfort you felt rushed through your body as you stood there for a brief moment to take it all in.

'He's going to come home,' you thought to yourself, sitting on the bed, repeating the thought over and over until eventually, you fell back into the pillows, falling into a deep sleep.

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