He's Getting Married But You're Not The Bride (Part 2)

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(His P.O.V.)

I was supposed to be happy. Today was my wedding day, but after my little confrontation with (Y/N), that's all I could think about.

Standing at the alter, I had a very important decision to make. Who did I choose? My best friend or the girl I love. At least I thought I loved her. Was it really love or was I just hooked on the idea of starting my family life?

Now I was starting to see what (Y/N) meant. I was about to marry someone that I thought I loved, but it wasn't true. I had made my decision.

The wedding was only minutes from starting, a quiet hum in the crowd. I frantically searched for (Y/N) and found her sitting in the second row with her family. I had to get her attention, quickly. So stepping down from the alter without grabbing too much attention, I walked to the end of the row and called her name. The look I received was not a pleasant one, but it didn't matter.

"(Y/N), I need your help. Please," I asked quietly, getting odd looks from her parents.

"Why should I help you?" she hissed back. Wow, if looks could kill.

"Please!" I begged, not caring how desperate I sounded.

Getting an eye roll in return, she still got up and followed me away from the crowd. Yes, we got strange looks, but that wasn't my main concern.

"Harry what are you doing? The wedding is about to start," (Y/N) sighed crossing her arms.

"I'm not getting married," I quickly replied.

"Wait... what do you mean you're not getting married?" she asked confused after a few moments of silence,

"I thought about what you said. And I'm so sorry for losing it on you by the way. But you were right. I need to grow up before I get married. 6 months isn't enough. I want to find someone who I can be with for a few years before making such a big decision. I want to travel, see things."

"Well... I'm glad you're coming to your senses Harry. I hope you find happiness."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I realized she probably didn't understand that she was the one I wanted to do all of this with.

"Come with me..." I said quietly, looking at her hopefully.

"Harry..." she started to protest, but I stopped her.

"No... please come with me. We can do all of this together, we can be best friends... maybe we'll become more but let's see where life takes us." I smiled, hoping for the best.

There was this moment of silence between my offer and her answer that made me nervous. I was honestly expecting a negative answer, saying she'd rather live life on her own.

"Okay..." (Y/N) answered, snapping me from my doubtful ideation.

"Seriously? You and I are gonna do this?"

"Yes Harry... you and I are going to do this," she chuckled and I kid you not, I had the biggest grin plastered on my face. This is what I wanted. To spend time with my best friend and live on the road that life laid out in front of us. We were finally going to find happiness together as best friends.

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