you give your daughter "the talk"

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You and Harry were sitting on the couch together when you 8 year old daughter Darcy came in from playing outside with her friends. "Hey, how was playing?" you asked as she walked over to you. "Fine" she said and sat in your lap, you were about to ask who she was with when she blurted out "what's sex?" You looked at her, shocked. You knew you would have to talk to her about this at some point but you didn't think it would be this soon, you had no idea how to go about it. Harry started giggling next to you being the immature boy he was, you gave him a glare which made him shut up. "Umm how did you hear about that sweetie?" you asked trying to keep your cool. "Someone was talking about it, they said that's what your supposed to do when you get older." Harry erupted into more laughter. You could tell you were going to have to take care of this on your own. "Well, that's uhh partly true," you started to say, "see when you really love someone you get married, like your daddy and I did and then ummm" you weren't exactly sure where to go from here. "Then I give mommy some gravy" Harry whispered quietly next to you. You hit his arm so he would stop talking. "Since you seem so eager to explain things why don't you take over Harry?" you said, knowing he would be uncomfortable with this. "Uhh erm ok, well so after you um get married you like well..." he looked at you for assistance but you wanted to see Harry handle this. "Ok so dad takes his erm special...thing and puts it in moms uh place and then well you see mom makes dad happy and then erm they have a baby!" You were having trouble not laughing at his terrible explanation. Darcy looked at you both, more confused than ever but Harry really didn't want to continue this. "ICE CREAM" he shouted and ran off to the kitchen. That was the end of your sex talk for that day.

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