Your teenage son is being abused

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Your 15 year old son, Mason was never very open about things towards you guys. He wouldn't tell you about school or about his friends or about anything for that matter. You figured it was just a phase he was going through and he would get over it eventually. What you and Harry didn't realize was that what Mason was hiding was much more serious. He had been going out with this girl, Carly. You had only met her once or twice but she seemed decent. The times that you had met her, she was talkative and outgoing. Mason was the complete opposite. He was shy and tended to keep to himself. Harry thought it was odd for him to be going out with somebody of the complete opposite, but you kept saying that opposites attract and to leave it alone. But it was as if Harry could see through everything. One night, Mason came back home later than usual. It was weird for him because he had never missed a curfew. "Where have you been?" Harry said sternly, standing up from the couch. Mason held his head low. "S-Sorry, I was out and I lost track of time." You stood up next to your husband. "This isn't like you Mason, you're never late." "I-I know, I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I promise." He was stuttering a lot which wasn't like him either. Something was wrong, you just couldn't figure it out. "Okay, well go up to your bedroom. Your mother and I need to discuss some stuff and then we'll be right up." Harry spoke, gently but sternly. Your son nodded his head, keeping it down and not visible to your eyes and made his way up the stairs. Harry turned to you and started talking. "I don't know what's came over him." You shook your head. "I don't know either, but it hasn't been going on long," you replied. "Wait... Maybe... no it's a crazy idea..." Harry, muttered. "No, what is it?" you urged him to go on. "Well, I just kinda noticed that he hasn't been acting the same since he started dating Carly. Now before you tell me it's crazy, just think." Your eyes widened, but after a couple minutes of thinking, you came to face the reality that maybe Carly was the cause of this. "I think one of us should go talk to him. Maybe it should be you (Y/N). He might be more open to his mum. If not then I'll try, okay?" You were a little hesitant but nodded. Harry gave you a small smile and kissed you before you went up to Mason's bedroom. His door was shut but not locked. You knocked and after a couple seconds, you heard a quiet 'come in'. You opened the door and saw your son lying on his bed, hands crossed over his stomach and eyes staring at the ceiling. "Is everything okay baby?" you asked, sitting on the edge of his bed. He started to nod his head, but changed it to a shake. "No, it's not mum." He sat up and crossed his legs, facing you. He fiddled with his fingers and kept his gaze on his lap. "Do you want to tell me? Because you never act like this and it's worrying your father and I. There's no judgement Mason, we just need you to feel safe." You heard him sniffle and wipe a tear from his eyes. It was no use, they just kept coming. "Oh, baby," you soothed, wrapping your arms around him. He didn't hug you back at first, but when you pulled him closer, he just let everything go. You felt some tears forming in your eyes. You had actually never seen your son cry so much except when he was a baby. "Mason, I really need you to tell me what's wrong baby." Harry walked in and stood in the doorframe. Mason looked up and hid his face in your shoulder. "I don't want dad to see me crying," he whimpered. The look on Harry's face was upsetting. To know that his own son didn't want him to see him when he was in his most vulnerable state. "Son, I don't want to see you cry because it breaks my heart, but if something hurts, the best way to deal with it is to let it all out. I'm here for you Mason and so is your mum." Harry came over and sat on the other side of Mason, rubbing his back and he cried some more. "I'm sorry dad." Was all he said, going over to give Harry a hug. Harry held his son tightly to him. Mason clutched to Harry as if his life depended on it. "We need you to tell us what's happening okay?" you said softly. Mason loosened up a little and sniffled before going into an explanation. "It's Carly. I really liked her and when she accepted my date offer, I was so happy. But after that date, it was like everything fell apart. At first, she just seemed to get jealous of I talked to any girls, but then that escalated to be if I talked to another girl, I deserved to watch her flirt with other guys. She fucked with my head mom!" "Mason..." Harry warned, but he didn't care. He continued his story. "After that, I told her how that bothered me and she got so mad. It was scary mum. She started yelling at me and telling me how I was lucky she even said yes. That happened today. Before she left me to go hang out with her friends, she slapped me and told me that I better not think of telling anyone or else next time it would be worse. I'm scared dad! I shouldn't even be telling you guys! She's gonna hurt me and... and..." He started hyperventilating and going into a panic attack. "Harry, try and calm him down, I'm going to get some water," you commanded. Harry grabbed Mason into another hug and soothed him while you went into the bathroom to grab some water. When you came back, Mason had calmed down a little bit and was leaning into Harry as he stroked his hair. You passed Mason the water and he took it with a shaky hand. "Mason, this isn't okay. You know that. We need to do something. I know you liked her love, but if she treats you like this, then you're going to have to let her go. We want to stop this before it gets worse," you said. Harry nodded in agreement. "But how mum? If I break up with her, she's gonna get angry and hurt me again." You shot a look at Harry, hoping he had something. "Well, if it helps, your mum and I can go with you to her house and talk to her parents. It might seem 'lame' but if it's gonna keep you safe, then that's what we'll do." Mason gave a light smile at his dad and nodded. "I don't care what you do. I just don't want to be with her anymore." "Then that's what we'll do," you replied. "Thank you guys." Mason said, wrapping his arms around both you and Harry, pulling you in for a group hug. "Anything to keep my baby boy safe," you murmured. "Mom!" Mason exclaimed. "There's the son I know," Harry chuckled. "We'll deal with tis tomorrow okay? But for now, you need to finish your homework and then if you want you can come downstairs and watch a movie with us okay?" Mason nodded and you and Harry left the room. "I'm glad he told us," you said as Harry took your hand and brought you downstairs. "Me too... You know not a lot of people would've admitted that openly to their parents. I'm very proud of him." You nodded. Harry pulled you into a hug. "He'll be okay (Y/N). If he's anything like his mum, he'll find somebody amazing who treats him right." You pulled back and laughed. "Getting cocky are we?" "What can I say? I am pretty amazing," he said. "Indeed you are Mr. Styles. Oh and before I forget, no fighting her father! We don't need a lawsuit on our hands." "You really think I'd get into a fight?" Harry replied, raising an eyebrow. "I AGREE WITH MUM!" Mason's voice shouting down the stairs, making Harry chuckle. "UGH FINE!" he shouted back, sarcastically. You laughed out loud and kissed Harry "I love you." "I love you too Mrs. Styles."

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