Your insecure about your weight

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You had been getting a lot of twitter hate lately about your weight. You weren't heavy but you weren't as skinny as the other boys girlfriends. You had had some problems with your weight in the past and you had always been very insecure about it when you were younger. You stepped into the bathroom and looked at your stomach in the mirror sighing because you could tell it had gotten a little larger. You pulled out the scale you kept in a cabinet under the sink and stepped on. It was a pretty normal weight but you still didn't like it. You looked at yourself in the mirror and started to cry, you just stood there watching the tears stumble out of your eyes and down your cheek. Your phone kept going off so you looked down and read through all your mentions again. Fat, it rang like an alarm through your head. It was kind of a trigger word for you, it made you emotional as soon as you saw it. The tears were blurring your vision now and you tried desperately to wipe them away. Finally after about half an hour you calmed down enough to walk out of the bathroom. You walked downstairs to the little work out room you and Harry had put into your house and spent hours on the treadmill. You didn't stop running and even though the exercise made you hungrier you didn't eat. You kept running and running. You had been at it all day and you heard Harry come in upstairs but you didn't stop. Harry heard the treadmill going so he came down and saw you running there sweaty, teary eyed, and tired. "Babe you look exhausted! How long have you been running for?" "Not long at all I just thought I should get a quick workout in." Harry didn't seem convinced, he walked over towards you and looked at the screen on the treadmill. You had forgotten it told the elapsed time that you had been on it. "(Y/N) honey it says here that you have been running for 3 hours...why are you doing this to yourself?" He stopped the treadmill and stared at you, you broke down into tears and he picked you up and set you down on the couch. "Shh shh don't cry love, it's ok, your ok everything is fine. Do you want to tell me what happened?" You removed your head from the crook of his arm and looked at him, "There were just some things on twitter" you mumbled suddenly not wanting to meet his eyes. He was shocked and he pulled your head up so he could look at you, "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met, and don't let anyone tell you different. Whoever called you fat is jealous. You are gorgeous and in no way are you even close to being chubby. I love you for who you are, don't try to change yourself."

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