The Last One | Part 2

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There he was, King Endeavour on his throne of flames. He was even more intimidating than in the stories I had heard of him.

"Well, well." He said in his deep, gruff voice. "Welcome home... Shoto."
"Sir." Monoma walked up and bowed. "What do you want us to do with these extras?"
"Send them to the dungeon. But keep Shoto, I want to have a word with him."

I flinched at the word dungeon, memories from the Dragon Lands came flooding back.
"Oi. Keep moving." A soldier shoved me forward, almost causing me to trip over but I was caught by Ochaco. I chuckled awkwardly, "Thanks."
We continued walking. We walked down steel stairs and the sunlight began to fade away.

We were shoved into a prison, three people in each cell and were left alone.
"Dammit. We need to find a way out of here!" I exclaimed, punching the iron cell, only to hurt my hand in the process.
"I hope Todoroki is all right..." Yaomomo muttered. "That Endeavour guy seemed scary!"
"Haven't you heard the stories about him?" I asked.
"Apparently, when All For One invaded our world all those years ago, Endeavour also tried to defeat him but failed. When he found out All Might had defeated AFO and became a hero and legend, he became furious and married the princess of the now Todoroki Kingdom. All he cared about was gaining fame and glory so he began training his children to become 'the rightful' ruler and heir of his kingdom, hoping one day they would surpass the fame All Might had gained. Of course, that didn't really work out."

Before anyone could say anything else, the door swung open and Monoma came in, dragging Todoroki and throwing him into our cell.
"Todoroki!" Iida exclaimed. "Thank goodness you're okay!"
"Yeah..." He muttered, getting back up.
"What happened?" Hagakure asked. "We were worried."

"Heh... you want to know what happened?" Monoma smirked. "Your friend over here just made a deal with the King. Tomorrow, at high noon, he and the King shall spar. If Todoroki wins, all of you are released from here... free of charge."

Everyone smiled to themselves. "Thank god..."
"And if he loses... well... I'll cut it short... every single one of you is killed and beheaded! Isn't that great?! We haven't had a decapitation in years!" He laughed crazily. "But... I'll have to leave you to it." He winked and walked away.

Everyone was left speechless.
"B-beheaded?!" Mineta cried. "But... I HAVEN'T GOTTEN A GIRLFRIEND YET!"
"And I haven't become a famous dancer!" Ashido screamed.

Everyone started crying and wailing, not wanting to die.
"C'mon guys! Don't you have any trust in Todoroki?" I frowned. "I'm sure he can win!"
"Sorry to break it to you Midoriya... but never in my life have I beaten that man in a spar."
I hesitated. "W-Well... you can always try!"
He frowned at me. "You don't understand..."
"What don't I understand?!"

He completely ignored me and stared at Bakugo with cold eyes. "Tell me, Bakugo. During the incident at the Dragon Lands, you mentioned your friend named Kaminari... Tell me, this Kaminari... did he have bright, yellow hair?"
Bakugo twitched his eye. "Yes."
Todoroki chuckled and looked back at me.

"That bastard has taken him hostage."


"Well, Kaminari, what do you think?" Endeavor smirked at his brilliant plan. He had heard that Shoto had encountered with the Dragon Lord, meaning he would have heard or know about Kaminari. It was a big risk, but gambling was his style.

He knew that somehow his son had had contact with All Might, and, using his servant, Kaminari, as bait, he would get all the information about All Might from his son and use it to his advantage.

Of course, Shoto hated losing, so, what better way to get information out of him than a fight?

"So?" He said, waiting for an answer.
Kaminari grinned. "I think it's a great plan, My Lord."

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