The Dragon Lord | Part 2 [100 Reads!]

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A/N: Thank y'all so much for 100 reads! As a thank you, I made this an especially long chapter :) in fact it is over 3000 words. :D
"K-Kirishima... you... YOU WERE A DRAGON?!" I exclaimed wide-eyed. "... THAT'S SO COOL!"

I whipped out my notebook. "PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS IT LIKE?" I started scribbling some notes.
"Midoriya... I don't think this is the time..." Iida said, grabbing my shoulder.

"I see... you have royalty with you... huh?" The spiky haired blond said. "Oh? A Todoroki even! Haha! This is great! With him, along with all of you..." He smirked and didn't continue talking.
I gulped.
"KIRISHIMA! PUT THEM INTO THE DUNGEON! The real one this time..."

The dungeon door slammed shut once we were shoved in. This time, the dungeon was underground and was basically pitch black, the corners were dark but the front wasn't due to a torch on the wall in front of the door.

"THEY HAD A PLAN THE WHOLE TIME?!" I smacked the wall.
"Calm down Midoriya. I'm sure we'll find a way out."
"I doubt you will." A voice called from the shadows. A tall, purple haired boy walked out. He had dark bags under his eyes and his hair seemed to have a life of its own. "I've been here for years... I would know."

Iida was cautious this time, afraid of another Kirishima incident. "Who are you?"
"Me? Heh. Shinsou. Shinsou Hitoshi."
"Are you working with that Dragon Lord too?" I asked.
"No. He imprisoned me when I did something very bad." Shinsou shrugged.

"How can we trust you?" Iida muttered. "You could just be pretending... like Kirishima."
Shinsou raised a brow before holding his hand out and showed an orange wristband. On it wrote 'Life Sentence'.
"Life sentence... just what did you do?!
"I might have 'murdered' one of his soldiers. At least that's what he says..."
"YOU WHAT?!" I yelled.
"He got in my way." He said as if it was a normal thing to murder someone. "Plus, he had a really stupid name. 'Kaminari'. Who the hell names their child that?"

Despite his attempts, I could tell he was lying. I sighed and took my notebook out. "So let me get this straight... these people... Well dragons... well, they can shift?"
He rolled his eyes. "Isn't it obvious?"
I wrote down some stuff. "We need to get out of here."

Iida spoke. "Clearly."
"I mean it. Todoroki and Ochaco are out there, if these people can look like humans then we're in big trouble. Not to mention I'm hungry."

Everyone fell to the ground. "What?"
"Well. I told you guys. There's no way out."
I examined the perimeter of the room. "Never say never."

It seemed to be normal when I saw an odd brick at the back wall. I walked up to it and tapped it.


I pulled it.


Push it..?

The ground began to shake and the bricks fell one by one until there was no longer a wall and there was a tunnel.
"How... how could I have missed that?" Shinsou breathed.
"You gave up too soon." I said to him - although I had no idea how I saw that either - before walking into the tunnel, followed by Iida. I turned around. "You coming?"
He looked hesitant. "I've been here for years... I don't know if I-" I grabbed his wrist and began pulling him along with me.
"You've been here for years, you deserve to get out."
He sighed and allowed me to pull him along the corridor.

"Do you know where we're going?" Iida asked.
I stopped for a second. "Nope."
He facepalmed.
"Okay then... let me get this straight." Shinsou said. "I'm following two guys I've never met before out of a prison where I've been at for years and never found an exit but somehow you guys found an exit that I missed -even though I'm convinced that wasn't there- anyway, and none of you have any idea of where we're going?!"
I clicked my tongue. "Basically."
He stared at me. "I'm going back."
"Wait no!-"

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