The Last One | Part 1

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"You want me to come with you?" A tall, bird-headed man asked me.
"Yes, please?"
"Well..." He turned around to his father who was cutting wood. "Father, can I?"
His father stopped and thought. "Well, yer 16, aren't yer?" He asked in a weird accent.
"Welf, yesh. You're allowed to, and it'll be one less mouth to feed."
"Well, then." He looked at me and shrugged. "You heard the man, the name's Tokoyami by the way."
I smiled. "Welcome, Tokoyami!"

He went inside his wooden cottage to pack some things and we waited outside. We had now gathered all the people we thought we needed, in total we had about 19 people.

There were of course me, Iida, Ochaco, Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima and Shinso. But now we had:
Aoyama, who we found organising a play that no one went to.
Asui, a lake had been clogged off by some beavers who made a dam and she helped us to remove it.
Ashido, a dancer who lost all inspiration to continue but we helped her to start again.
Ojiro, who was bullied and discriminated for his tail but we helped him to overcome that challenge.
Koda, who had an injured animal that we helped to take care of.
Sato, someone stole sweets from his store and we helped to catch the culprit.
Mineta, he stole sweets from Sato's store and when we caught him he joined us on our journey.
Shoji and Jiro, they were aspiring musicians who weren't being noticed by the world and decided to join us instead.
Sero, who was having trouble finding the edge of the tape and when Shinso and Todoroki found it for him, he began worshipping them and joined us.
Hagakure, surprisingly she didn't have any issue, we just asked her to join and she agreed as with Tokoyami.
Yaoyorozu or as we call her, Yaomomo, she was having self esteem issues that we helped her get over.

Overall, our journey was pretty great. Although, we couldn't stay in one place for long because the soldiers looking for Todoroki could have found us.

That night, we decided to make a campfire by the forest where no one could see us. We all set down our sleeping bags and huddled around the fire.
"So, how many people do we need to find left?" Todoroki asked. I shrugged.
"Not sure." I looked down at the scroll in my bag. "He's been inactive for some time now. I'm not sure we can trust in him to tell us."
I sighed. "Wanna tell stories? Might as well pass time."
"Sure." Kirishima smiled.
"I'll go first." Bakugo smirked.
"Oh? Well isn't that weird ☆" Aoyama snickered. "Bakugo wants to go first. ☆"

I saw him eye Shinso who was drinking tea. He raised a brow at Bakugo.

This isn't gonna go well...

"Once upon a time there was me, an amazing king who saved a bunch of dragon-shifters from death. There was this one dragon - who was totally not named Shinso - that was extremely annoying. So, one day, I was so annoyed by him I switched his shampoo with permanent purple hair dye. When he first realised it was purple, he screamed just like a girl! No- even higher pitched! Legend has it that he still has purple hair to this day."
I sweatdropped. "W-what a great story Bakugo."
"I'll go next." Shinso said, placing down his drink. "One day there was this idiotic king who happened to be named Bakugo. He was so idiotic that one day he went out scouting and just happened to leave all the doors in his castle open. So, some wild bears ran in and began eating all of his underwear and clothing. The next day, he came to a meeting with a bare butt."

I heard everyone snicker but tried to be quiet so that they wouldn't face the wrath of 'Lord Explosion Murder'.
"Wait... SO IT WAS YOU WHO LET THE BEARS IN?!" Bakugo screamed.
"B-Bakugo, calm down." Shoji sweatdropped.
"Hang on, shouldn't we let other people tell a story?" Sato asked.
"Sato's right, Bakugo." Kirishima sighed. "Just let someone else go."

Bakugo crossed his arms and grumbled. "Fine."
"So... who's going?" Tsu asked.
"Okay," Iida called out. "I'll go-"
I sighed and noticed Bakugo tense up.
"What's up?" I asked him.
Ochaco frowned. "Bakugo, isn't that kinda rude-"
"Shut up." He snapped.
"Hey, don't talk to her like that!" I said, he glared at me.
"Something's coming." He muttered. "Kirishima, don't you hear it?"

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