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I follow his voice as he leads me. A bandana covers my eyes and I have no idea where I'm going. I woke up to a smiling Odeo and a surprise.

His hand is in mine and he leads me to wherever. I feel the smile in his voice. I don't know how but I just do.

"Almost there." He says.

He suddenly lets go of my hand and I'm lost. I take deep breaths and listen.

I hear the rushing of the river and the birds in the trees. I hear the movement of feet and hooves.

The bandana falls from my eyes and I gasp.

"Surprise! Happy birthday!"

They all smile at me from picnic blankets on the grass. 

Hannah approaches me with a home baked cake.

"Happy birthday, Sophia."

She kisses my cheek and I thank her. I blow the candles and smile at everyone.

Gabby sits beside Miguel, still a bit weak but happy. Val and Carlos sit together as well and wave.

Cassy and Cal watch with big smiles from the furthest picnic blanket and Dr. Herce joins them.

Gabe points to a box in the center of the picnic blanket nearest to me.

Bethany and Verna watch from the side and they each give me a warm smile.

I approach the box and sit down as Hannah leaves the cake on the blanket.

Odeo stands beside Violet and they watch me with excited faces.

I open the box and find a bunch of handmade cards, trinkets, and photos. I pull out the biggest piece of paper and see techy stuff attached to it. I glance at Gabe who shrugs.

I open it and the paper comes to life with scenes from this whole journey. I smile and tears gather in my eyes as each memory is relived.

"Thank you. All of you." I say.

They all smile at me. This family.

After eating and talking, Odeo takes my hand in his and we walk through the forest.

"I can't believe this life is mine and that those days are over." I say. "It's like we're all rewriting our stories and starting again."

He squeezes my hand. "Well that's how He works. Always giving us another chance."

I smile and look down as we cross a  stream.

"Have any more memories come back?" He asks quietly.

We find a place to sit down. "Yes. A few. The pills helped a bit, I guess."


I look into his caring eyes and find my heart melting. 

"And, I fully accept it. I'm a product of who I was and what I've done but I'm not limited to that. I am a new girl, with another chance of living life to the best. And through it all, I an loved and cared for. I know that my journey was a  puzzle but I also know what it means. It taught me that I am more than what the world thinks of me, I am both Sophie and Serene."

hope you guys enjoyed the story!

"When anyone belongs to Christ, they become a new person. Their old way of life has gone. Their new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:17‬ ‭EASY‬‬

*special thanks to my friend Arabella for giving my ideas, listening, and talking with me to make this story what it is.*

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