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I wake up to sunlight touching my face. I sit up fast but then remember where we are. Home.

Hannah smiles at me from the edge of the bed. "You were so sound asleep, Odeo had to carry you here."

I smile at her and rush to hug her. "Hannah."

She runs a hand through my hair. "It's almost over. You did good."

"God is good. I felt Him, Hannah. Before I fell asleep. I felt Him and I heard Him. He said the same thing." I whisper.

She hugs me tightly. "He knows."

I nod and she releases me. "Let's go get breakfast and take a ride okay? You need some time to relax."

A sudden thought comes to mind.

"Where are they?" I ask.

She smiles knowingly. "At the river."

I smile and hurry down to eat a quick breakfast. Hannah helps me get onto Cotton since Violet's been borrowed and we rush to the river in the forest.

Odeo sits at the edge, his legs dangling in the water. Madeline sits beside him, laughing while one hand rests on a sleeping Violet. Cassy sits with Gabe and Miguel under a willow tree. Miguel looks so much better.

I look around but don't see Gabby.

Carlos leans on a tree talking to-

"Val!" I exclaim. I get off Cotton and run towards her. She laughs as she hugs me.

"Hey. Surprised?"

I'm speechless.

"Serene. Go and relax. We'll talk about it later since you seem to have run out of words." She says, a warm smile on her face.

She leans against Carlos and I notice she's in pain.


I sit on the other side of Odeo and let the water run over my feet.



My sister blows a kiss and I return the gesture.

"Seems like you and Violet got along." I say.

Violet raises her head and looks towards me. "Hello. Did you forget about me?"

Violet stands and plays with my hair.

"I guess not."

I stand as well and hug my horse.

"Let's go for a ride." I tell her.

She whinnies happily and I get onto her back.

"Be right back." I call out.

Madeline waves and Odeo smiles as he watches me go.

"There's so much that happened Violet. So much."

"Hannah, Verna. It's done."

They breath a sigh of relief.

"They'll be taken care of." I add.

I sit with them at the dining table.

"How?" Verna asks. Knowing her, she wants the details as much as possible, and no loopholes.

"The Chancellor finally agreed to act. The Government as well as the governments of each country affected have brought their military forces. Greg worked as a double agent and provided recordings and proof which can serve as evidence for the crimes done. Dax Inc. thanks us. As for their traitor, he will also receive punishment. The Government will look into each case and decide the punishment for Amber and all of Belle Corp." I explain. "Details will be further explained at court. For now, there had been an offer for Sophia."

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