Chapter Nineteen:

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My exit didn't end there. Especially, when I had to go back to get my coat and purse. Still, Rachel was sweet enough to get my things for me. So, I just stood near the DJ booth waiting for her. To my dismay, Percival was already getting sympathy from the ladies.

Charlie also said he could come back with us, but I told him not to worry. His date wasn't the one that ended sour. There was no need to cut the dance short for him too.

So Jason and I went to the tube back home. As we stood together outside of Mr. Bunter's house, we shared a collective sigh of absolute woe. "Ready to get this over with, Jase?" I asked him.

"Yes, but...could we stand outside for another minute? Before the punishments start for me." So, that's what we did. For another minute, we watched the soft glow of light emanating from the windows. Till Jason, mustered the courage to approach the front door, and knock.

Confusion colored my mom's face when she saw Jason outside. "What happened to you?" she shrieked. Then her eyes narrowed in on him. "Is that your dad's favorite blazer?" Jason's lips quivered before he tightly hugged mom. She gave a worried look in my direction.

"We can both explain, mom."

"Then please, come in," my dad said in a lethally calm voice.

The moment the front door closed and Jason and I were inside there was a constant overlapping of voices. my mom's tone worried as well as borderline hysterical and my dad's voice stern and booming loud. The display would have been hilarious if the cause of their tones weren't directed at us.

"SILENCE!" yelled Mr. Bunter in a voice so loud, it even made my parents jump. "He had a folded newspaper in his hand and he was holding onto the paper so tightly that the paper started to crinkle. "There will be no acts of barbarism in my home again. Understood?"

"Sorry," said my mom and dad at the same time.

Mr. Bunter then added, "Now, I have some good English Tea with scones ready at the dining table. I'd suggest we speak in reasonable tones. I have next door neighbors, you know." Mr. Bunter led the way to the dining table as we all sat down. In the shock of Mr. Bunter's outburst, I forgot to change out of my dress.

Then again, with my parents slouched in their chairs from sudden exhaustion I felt bad enough. Considering they weren't expecting me to arrive so early or Jason to have even left. We both had explaining to do.

Which is why over blueberry scones and English Tea, Jason started his explanation first. He gave a big sigh to start and glanced at me for just a second, before looking down at his teacup.

"First of all, yes I sneaked out. Yes, I know that's a very wrong thing to do, but I--" Jason's eyes started to water and I held my breath along with my parents. "But I didn't want to be left out of the fun, you know so--" By now, Jason lost the pristine British accent he was so proud of mastering. "So yeah, that's why I went."

Mom's face started to soften, but dad's face got sterner. "After you hand over my favorite blazer, you can then explain how you look so bruised and battered."

Jason sheepishly shrugged off dad's blazer and handed the blazer to him. "As for the bruised and battered look...I got beaten up by three other boys who have already beaten me up before. The other times though, they've beaten me up in places that weren't so visible."

Mom immediately got up from her seat which was right across from where Jason sat. She then started to lift his shirt. Her gasp was indicator enough that the bruises were bad. Bruises of various colors bloomed across Jason's skin. I along with our family, openly gawked at the damage. "Those bastards!" I yelled as I added, "I'm so glad I kicked their asses!"

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