It's Not Goodbye

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   "I guess you're going up after all."
   "Yeah, but I'll be back. I made you a promise. And I am going to stick to it. But you better keep your grades up."
   "Yeah, yeah. I'll study a bit."
"No, you'll study hard, promise me you will."
Keith groaned, slowly nodding, "fine. I'll study hard. Even though all of my help is gone."
"I bet if you get friendly enough with Cadet McClain, his sister will help you out with the mathematical elements of study. She is the chief analyst for almost all research and exploration missions."
"With Lance?! Absolutely not! You know all he does is get me into trouble! And same with everyone else in the Cadet program."
Shiro simply shrugged. "You'll have to learn to get along with others eventually. In a just a few months, you'll have your very own team. You, the pilot, an engineer, and a communications specialist. You'll have to be a leader. One whose teammates won't hesitate to follow."
"I'm not like you... I can't lead people like you... I won't be the leader you want me to be."
"Nonsense. You're not supposed to be like me. Be yourself."
"But being myself gets me in trouble!" The Cadet challenged.
"You're not yourself when you're angry. You need to learn some discipline, and once you learn that, you can be yourself."
"Oh great. And who's going to teach that to me? You're going to Kerberos, Matt and Commander Holt are going with you, and Adam refuses to talk to me."
"You'll have to teach yourself. Just... If you feel yourself getting angry or annoyed, take a deep breath. Patience yields focus. Don't ever forget that."
"I'll do my best. But you know how I am..."
Shiro nodded, "you're an outstanding pilot who has an enormous amount of potential." The officer smiled kindly at the cadet next to him. "I promise everything will work out fine. And when I get back, you can tell me all about what you've done and accomplished, okay?"
"Sure thing."
Without warning, Shiro pulled Keith in for a hug, something he knew the Cadet hated. "Please don't screw up. I'll come back as soon as I can."
"But... What about your condition...? Are you sure you should go?"
Shiro let go, laughing at the boy's sudden show of compassion. "It's a bit late for that question now, isn't it?"
"I know... It's just... I don't want anything to happen to you."
"I appreciate your concern, but I'm going on this mission. It's important that I pilot the spacecraft, because it might be my last chance."
"Then don't go!" Keith protested. "I've been through too much shit already, and you're my last hope for normalcy. Not one other person cares about me."
"Keith, it's going to be fine. I made you a promise. I'm coming back."
"I know you will..." The cadet forced a smile, turning his head to the ship that stood in front of him.
   "You like her, don't you?" Shiro asked in hopes of changing the topic.
   Keith barely nodded.
   "The best engineers worked on her. Modeled after the Calypso, the first ship to take—"
   "Astronauts to the moons of Jupiter. I remember. That's what inspired you to be a pilot, right?"
   "Yeah, although, it was the longest voyage of its kind." The Officer teased, reciting Keith's words verbatim.
   Keith only gave him a displeased, yet amused shake of his head. "Tease me all you want... I'd rather see you happy like this than—"
   "Stop talking like that...! I'm coming back and you know it."
"Fine... I'll shut up. I'm just going to mis you... sorry."
Shiro gave Keith a sympathetic look, "I know you will, but don't you worry. I'll see if Matt can't get me in touch with you somehow."
"What? No. Don't do something illegal!" Keith took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. "Look, I just want you to get back here soon and safely, can you do that?"
"You doubt my abilities as a pilot?"
"No! I don't, I promise I didn't."
"Good." Shiro patted Keith's shoulder, smiling kindly. "I'll return soon, but in the meantime, keep your grades up, and work on becoming the best pilot in your year. You can do this. I will never give up on you."
"Hey, Shiro...!" A voice behind him called.
The two turned their heads to see Commander Holt standing there.
"Oh, Commander. Are we all set?"
Commander Holt nodded, "got the final check done. Matt an are heading up soon."
"Thank you, sir. I'll be right there."
The time had come to say goodbye, but Keith refused to say anything.
Shiro didn't force him to speak, he knew better than to make Keith do anything. "Alright, well, I'll see you in a few years."
"Yeah... Good luck up there."
"You too." With one final tussle of the boy's hair, Shiro turned his back. "I know you'll do well."
As Keith watched Shiro walk away, he felt his heart sink in his chest.
Shiro would come back, but when? And would he even be alright?
'Guess I'm on my own again...' The Cadet sighed, giving up on staying positive.
There was a chance that today was the last day Keith would ever see Shiro, and with that chance, meant that Keith had just said goodbye.
This thought pained the Cadet more than words could explain.
The last thing he wanted was to be alone, but now he was alone.
And for what?
For Shiro to achieve a dream.
Keith knew he shouldn't have a poor attitude about Shiro's reasons for leaving, he knew this was Shiro's last chance to go into space, and not even the most bitter side of Keith could ever think poorly about Shiro's choices. Especially not now. This mission was more important to Shiro than anything else in the entire world.
'Come back alive....' that was the last though that crossed Keith's mind before he left the launch zone.
Someone had asked if Keith wanted to stay with them until the ship launched, Commander Holt's wife, but the Cadet refused, politely of course.
Right now, all Keith wanted was some time to himself.
Shiro was gone, and Keith was alone again.
For three years, Keith would be without anyone to rely on.
But he had done it before as a child, and that was for seven years.
This should be no problem.
As long as everything turns out just fine...

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