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All classes were canceled for today, as they were every day a mission launched. It was tradition and nothing would change it. No matter how many years passed, or how dangerous the state of the world was, if a mission was being launched, it was everyone's duty to go out and watch it.
The Cadets were more or less so forced to watch the launch and 'learn to see what they would be expected to do'. Unlike the Officers who were always given a choice.
The seating areas were most uncomfortable, metal stands with cold plastic as a backrest.
But if it got Keith out of his classes, that was fine by him. One less day spent having to deal with James and his privileged attitude.
"Is there a Cadet by the name of Kogane here?" A security guard asked. "Keith Kogane?"
"Right here, sir!" Keith stood up and hurried over to the guard. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked in a tone as kind as he could manage.
"Problem? There's no problem. I only need you to come with me." The guard motioned for Keith to follow him. "Officer Shirogane has requested to see you before the mission launches."
"Okay..." Keith followed close behind the security officer as he was led to a closed off room with heavy duty sliding doors.
"Officer Shirogane." The guard called out to the room full of the mission's crew and their family members. "I was able to find the Cadet as you asked."
"Thank you so much." Shiro said with a smile, shaking the guard's hand as a show of gratitude.
"What do you want? I've already told you I don't want to hear—"
"I know... But I'm going to say it anyway." Shiro took a deep breath and smiled at the young boy. "This mission might be the last one I go on. I've decided to focus on being a teacher and your mentor. After this, I'll be staying here on Earth until I'm needed again. I know you're done with hearing apologies and tired of excuses, but I really am sorry to leave you here alone."
"Yeah... You kind of made a poor decision there."
Shiro ruffled Keith's hair, much to the Cadet's dissatisfaction and continued with what he had been saying. "But if I may, I would like to suggest some advice."
"Go on..." Keith mumbled, fixing his hair to his own liking.
"It's something I've lived by since I was a kid, and I've told it to you before. I don't know how much use it'll be to you, but if you get into a tricky situation or you ever feel like giving up, remind yourself that 'patience yields focus'."
"That's your advice? Patience yields focus?" Keith questioned, not believing that 'patience yields focus' was really what the officer was telling him. It seemed bland. It seemed like something you'd say for short term, not a farewell before a year long space voyage.
"Yes. Give things some time to unfold before making a decision. And for the love of God, don't fight anyone. Please!"
"Yeah, I'll do my best."
"No, Keith. I'm serious. No matter what that Griffin boy says you have to promise me that you will fight with neither words nor fists."
"But what if—"
"Patience yields focus! Remember?" Shiro interjected, cutting Keith off completely. "Just take a deep breath and walk away. Let him get in trouble and treat yourself to the satisfaction of not landing your butt in the principal's office."
"Okay, Shiro. I'll do my best."
"That's not good enough."
The Cadet rolled his eyes and folded his arms. "And what is?"
"Promise me you won't forget it."
"Alright... I promise I won't forget that patience yields focus." Keith gave a little smile and extended his hand to Shiro. "Shake on it? I promise to remember your phrase and you promise to come back."
Shiro nodded and took the boy's hand. "Deal." He pulled Keith in for what can best he described as a 'man hug', patting him on the back before letting go. "I'll be in touch with Adam so I'll know if you mess up."
"Yeah, yeah. I won't mess up. I made a promise. I might as well stick to it.... Just like you do."
"Oh, so you're learning."
Keith shrugged, placing his hands in his pockets. "If an officer plays favorites with me, I might as well return the favor and do what he says."
"It's not playing favorites, we're just close like brothers."
"Friends." Keith blurted out. "We're friends. Not brothers."
"Okay," Shiro said with a slight chuckle, "friends then."
"If you do decide not to come back, I'll be forced to follow you to Mars. I'll fight you myself."
"You would most definitely lose, but if that's how you keep your spirits high, Keep thinking about that."
"Takashi." Adam's voice came from behind Keith, who turned to face the officer.
"Adam," Shiro began to smile upon seeing Adam. "I'm going to miss you... and I'm sorry for leaving."
"Please just come home..." he begged, wrapping his arms around Shiro's back. "That's all I ask.
"I'm going to come home. You know I will."
Adam smiled and nodded. "I'll look after the discipline case for you."
"My name is Keith." The Cadet mumbled.
   "Okay," The Officer sighed and repeated his previous statement, "I'll look after Keith for you."
   Keith gave a nod of approval, glad that Adam addressed him by his name and not a term used to describe him.
"Just promise me you'll keep him out of trouble." Shiro pleaded.
"I'll do my best, Takashi."
   "I'm serious Adam," Shiro pointed to Keith and continued, "if anything happens to this kid I'm holding you responsible."
   "Thanks, but I don't need someone to take care of me." Keith said, phrasing it as considerately as possible.
   "He'll come around eventually. Won't you?" Shiro nudged Keith's shoulder, letting the Cadet know he had no choice but to agree.
   Adam smiled at the two in front of him. How had he ended up with Shiro? And how in the world did Shiro decide to mentor Keith? The two were so different, but they seemed genuinely happy together.
   Like brothers.


   After a few more moments of chatter amongst the officers, the family members — and friends— of the crew were escorted back to their seating areas.
   "Keith, you're coming with me." Adam instructed, holding tightly to Keith's wrist.
   "But the Cadets—" Keith began but stopped himself before finishing. He knew why the officer was more or less so forcing Keith to go with him. "When Shiro said you had to look out for me, I don't think he meant we had to stick by each other at all times...."
   "I'm just looking out for you. Keeping physical distance between you and that kid in your class who keeps trying to wind you up." The Officer told him matter of factly. "Besides, I best get to know what it's like to be around you if I'm going to take Takashi's place for a year."
   "Why do you call him Takashi?" Keith asked, wanting an answer to a question he's had for weeks. "He's told me a million times he prefers Shiro to anything."
   When the two made it to their seats, Adam simply shrugged. "Let's Just say it's a boyfriend privilege."
   Though his voice was low and quiet when he stated his answer, Keith had heard every word.
   Based on the way both Shiro and Adam kept their status more or less so on the down low, it suggested to Keith that he shouldn't ask any more questions.
   And he didn't.
   Keith kept his mouth shut. Even when they were all dismissed, he said nothing 
   Instead, he waited for someone to speak to him or for someone to order him back to the group of Cadets.
   Adam was kind enough to walk with Keith back to the Cadet's dorm. He checked to make sure the kid would be okay on his own, and with a simple reply of 'yeah' from Keith, Adam left.
The guy wasn't all that bad. He wasn't Shiro, but Keith could tell Adam would do what he could to help him out. Even if it was only because Shiro had asked him to.

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