Day 730- Oops

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Two full years have passed since he set foot inside the home. Two full years. It doesn't seem as though that much time has passed, but somehow it has.
   "Come on, Comet." Keith looked back over his shoulder to see his pup happily sprinting to catch up to him.
   Though only having him for just over two weeks, Comet seemed completely loyal to Keith. He followed him everywhere he could, staying right at his heels. His pet was estimated to be about four or five months old, which meant he was still very much so a puppy, but already reaching nearly half his size. Comet will be much smaller than Keith had hoped, but he loves him all the same.
"Miss Marry said she has something planned for me. Although, I don't know what it could be." He glanced down at Comet who seemed all but interested in Keith's words. "You're no fun to talk to unless I have food..."
He walked down to the main office where he decided it was best to hold Comet. Being surrounded by a bunch of other kids seemed to bug the pup unless he was in Keith's arms.
Stepping into the room, he asked, "is Miss Marry here? She wanted to talk to me."
"Not at the moment," a new face told him.
"Who're you?" He asked with slight disgust in his voice.
"I'm Mr. Harrison. Miss Marry and I share this office now."
Keith shrugged, it didn't bother him who was who, as long as they wouldn't hate him. "Okay. Fine. I'll be going now."
"Wait," the mad called him back. "I was asked to introduce you to your new roommate."
"My what?!" Keith's soul left his body. Roommate?! He had specifically asked to be in a room alone. He does not want to share with anyone!
"Yep." Mr. Harrison pointed to a small boy around the age of four or five. Maybe even three, he was tiny. "This is Charlie. He's too old to be with the infants. We thought you might like someone to talk to."
"No!" He argued. "I don't! Besides! Comet and I are already best of friends. You can't add another baby in our room. We won't allow it." Comet gave a bark of approval, despite not understanding the situation.
"You have a doggy?!" The toddler asked. "Can I pet him?!"
"No." Keith answered bitterly, holding Comet up closer to his shoulders and out of the child's reach. "Please, Mr. Harrison! I don't want a roommate!"
"That's too bad, Keith. You'll have to learn to get along with other humans eventually."
"But he's so young! Please! Don't do this!"


Keith was furious. He had a new roommate who asked questions about everything and never once left him alone.
"You're eight years old?!" Charlie asked Keith in excitement. "You're so much older 'dan me."
"By five years." Keith replied in a monotone voice. "And it's than with a th not 'dan."
"What's our doggies name?"
"He's my dog and you don't get to know his name."
"Can I hold him?"
"Pet him?!"
"Can I do anything with him?!"
"No!" Keith snapped. "You can't. I have to study. Go sit on your bed and shut up."
"You can't say 'dat." The toddler looked horrified. "You can't. 'Dat's a bad word!"
"What?" Keith raised an eyebrow. "Shut up?"
His roommate nodded.
"How about you shut up and learn how to pronounce your th sounds before I make you pronounce it."
"I'm telling!" Charlie ran out of the room almost in tears.
'Oops.... Might have pushed him over the edge...'
He gave Comet a slightly worried look before he shrugged it off. "Whatever. It's not like I'm actually going to get in any trouble... Right?"


   "I'm sorry!" Keith replied to a furious Mr. Harrison. "I didn't mean it! He's just so annoying!"
   "You don't have any right to treat him that way!" Mr. Harrison stared down at Keith, his eyes narrowed in a threatening way. "He just wants a friend."
   "Then why'd you put him with me?! You all know I don't like other people!"
   "I should just take that mutt of yours. Maybe that'd teach you a lesson."
   "No!" Keith hurriedly scooped up the wandering pup, holding him close to his body. "You can't!"
   Mr. Harrison crossed his arms, "actually, I can." He said and pulled Comet from Keith's arms with little to no effort.
   "Give him back!" The boy yelled, reaching for his pet. "He belongs to me! Not you!"
   "I'm not planning on keeping him," the man began, "just until you learn to socialize."
   Keith watched Mr. Harrison place Comet in a small basket behind his desk. "Please..." he begged, tears rushing to his eyes. "He's the only family I have..."
   "I'm sure you're old enough to live without him for a couple of days."
   "You don't understand!" The child yelled, his eyes filled to the brim with tears. "He's the only thing that makes me happy! Please don't take him away!"
   The door behind them suddenly flew open.
   "What is the meaning of  all of this yelling?!" A woman asked.
   Keith turned his head to find Miss Marry. "Miss Marry! Please tell him to let me keep Comet!" Tears began streaming down his cheeks. "Please!"
   Miss Marry pulled Keith in for a hug. "Hush, child." Her voice was calm a soothing. "You can have him back. Just let me talk to Mr. Harrison, alright?"
   "Okay..." Keith nodded, glancing back to Comet, who was staring right at Keith, before leaving to wait outside.
   'What's wrong with me?!' He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, stifling his whimpers and tears. 'It's a dog! Why am i crying like a wimp over a dog?!'
   He sat in silence for a few minutes before Miss Marry came out with his pet.
   "Can I please keep him?!" He asked, eagerly waiting for her reply.
   "You can keep your pet," she answered, handing Comet back to his owner. "Under one condition."
   Keith nodded, holding tightly, yet gently, to his puppy.
   "You have to try to be more social in class. Alright?"
   "Yes Miss Marry..."
   "We've moved Charlie to a different room, but you have to still be social."
   Keith nuzzled the top of Comet's head with his cheek. He did love the dog. He loved Comet dearly.
   The dog was like family.
   Except this family was both alive and loved him. Unlike his father who was dead and his mother who hated him so much she left before he could walk or talk.

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