Awkward Situations

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Saturday, the only day in which Keith can truly relax. Friday is full of exams during the day and schoolwork during the evening. And Sunday is the day where you spend every minute of your time dreading the all too quickly approaching Monday.
Keith lost count of how many days he had been at the Garrison, but it was definitely at least three months.
In that time, he has made one friend.
Takashi Shirogane, the Officer who vouched for him.
It's embarrassing. Everyone else is here because of skill, but Keith, he was here because he wanted to be, and because a senior officer said he should be. He was never tested, never interviewed, none of that. He was only there because Shiro vouched for him, and everyone knew that.
As he roamed the halls this fine Saturday afternoon, he found himself utterly lost in an area that was most likely not suitable for Cadets.
"Hey, kid!" A man called out. "You can't be here, you know that right? This area is strictly for the high ranking officers and Admiral Sanda only."
Part of him wanted to continue walking, another part wanted to turn around and act childish, pouting and pleading for them to take him back to the main entrance just for some sort of amusement.
Instead, he went with a simple "Just got lost."
"Hey!" The Officer repeated, approaching Keith, this time in a friendlier tone. "You're Keith Kogane right? Shiro's admirer or something?"
Keith raised a brow, unamused by being called am 'admirer'. "And you are.....?"
   The Officer looked slightly offended. "You don't know me...?"
   "Nope." The cadet popped the 'p', in a sense saying 'don't know don't care'.
   "Fine..." The Officer sighed and pointed at himself proudly, adjusting his round glasses. "I'm Officer Matthew Holt. Shiro's best friend and former Com Spec."
   "Uh-huh..." Keith was beyond confused. He knew who this guy was after his overly dramatic introduction, but why in the name of God did he expect Keith to recognize him?
   "Seriously, kid, you don't know either of us? We've been mentioning at least twenty times by the other Officers. Especially h—"
"Oh, Adam? Yeah I know him."
The other man turned his head to face the young Cadet at the sound of his name. "And you're addressing me by my first name because...?"
"Because I know Shiro and thus know you." Keith sighed and rolled his eyes. "Are you two going to escort me back to the front like you're supposed to or what?"
The officer by the name of Matt simply shrugged. "I guess we could. But then again you don't seem eager to leave."
Adam whacked the back of Matt's head and stepped towards the cadet. "We're taking him back because that's our job. Unless you want to get fired."
Keith turned and began walking back the way he came. These two other officers were being rather annoying and it confused Keith as to how Shiro got along with either of them.
"So..." Officer Holt began, "do you know anything about us? Or did Shiro say nothing?"
Keith gave a small shrug. "You're his former Com Spec and now work in the laboratories downstairs. Why do you care anyway?"
"We're insignificant Officers compared to Takashi and we would like some sort of recognition from Cadets from time to time." Adam answered.
"How are you insignificant?!" The Cadet asked, but didn't wait for a reply before adding, "You were both on his flight crew and you're his boyfriend or something."
"Whoa! Hold up!" Matt stepped in front of Keith. "Who did you hear that from?!"
"It's obvious once you get him to talk. Shiro went on about his co-pilot for at least twenty minutes." Keith replied in a monotone voice. "I just assumed. Sorry if I was wrong."
"Assumed what?"
Keith turned to see Shiro walking down the hall towards them. "Nothing..." the Cadet lowered his head. "I should probably go study..."
"For the flight test you have on Tuesday?" Shiro asked him.
Keith nodded.
"I'm sure Adam would be willing to help you. Besides, if you're going to do well here, you might as well get used to asking the teachers for help."
"Takashi... No. I don't—"
"I don't need help! I'm already top of the class, and nothing is going to change that." Keith shouted, suddenly fuming with anger.
The three officers simultaneously widened their eyes at Keith's outburst and blatant disrespect.
"When you said he was moody...." Matt began, keeping his voice low, "I didn't think you meant he was disrespectful too...."
"He's not—" Shiro gave up on arguing and placed his hands on Keith's shoulders. "This is new for him. Teamwork and all. His background is similar to mine..."
"Talk about me if you want. See if I care... I know you all hate me..." Keith forced Shiro's hands from his shoulders and marched off to his room.
"Keith! Wait!" Shiro called after him, but he had already left. He lowered his gaze and sighed in defeat "Please give him some slack." He looked to both Matt, who seemed apologetic, and Adam who seemed disappointed. "I know he's got his own issues but please. Let him find a silver lining before it's ruined entirely."
"Takashi..." Adam began, "I understand this boy means a lot to you, but he has to change before anyone here will accept him."
"You both should be able to understand why what I am doing is right! The kid is alone. Just like we all were before we came here. You especially, Adam, you felt hated by your peers. That's how he feels. Obviously for different reasons. Regardless, no one should have to go through life alone."
"I just don't understand how you're so attached to him. And so quickly." Matt confessed.
"Because I made him a promise! And I never go back on my promises."
"It's been, what? Two or three months?" Matt asked, crossing his arms. "I don't see why you can't just—"
"Time doesn't matter!" Shiro interrupted. "I met a kid just like him back at the orphanage outside of Plaht City. The place where I grew up. He was alone and I couldn't bear to see him end up like I almost did... I left before I could help him. But I'm not going to do that this time. I made Keith a promise and I'm going to stick to it."
Adam and Matt both gave Shiro looks of utter confusion.
"Wait wait wait!" Matt practically shrieked in shock. "You're helping Keith because of some random boy you met when you were twelve?!"
"Yes and no." Shiro took a deep breath, regaining his thoughts. "Look, I have to go make sure he's okay. Adam, I know I should side with you and alert the principal of his poor discipline, but I have to—"
"What are you talking about...?" Adam gave Shiro a calming smile and pointed in the direction in which Keith had gone. "Go ahead, check on Mr. Discipline Issues. I'm not going to try and stop you. If making this kid feel happy is what you truly feel is your priority, that's fine by me."
Matt nodded, agreeing with what Adam had said. "Yeah, man. You clearly know what you're doing. Just don't get yourself fired for covering up his mistakes."
   A calming wave of emotion flooded over Shiro. He nodded and hurried off to find the Cadet's room.

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