Day 210- Not me

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Since his outburst in the park, Keith had learned a lot about how to behave properly in public and at The Home. A part of him even felt a little more mature. He was, after all, almost seven now. By almost, he means two-ish months until October 23rd. He didn't feel older, but the staff did seemed to respect him more. Maybe that was just because his attitude had changed slightly.
By now, Keith had been in this living hell for over half of a year. That's quite an accomplishment.
Only eleven and a half more years to go before he can leave.
Or so he thought.
Recently, The Home had been filing forms on every child. They do that at all times, but now more than ever.
Just yesterday, Mr. Clark, one of the staff members who worked mostly in a small office near the front, had informed Keith that he might have new parents soon. Mr. Clark's office was dubbed the name Adoption Office by Keith, since that was basically his only job.
Despite this news being told to him in a congratulatory way, it was all too sudden and unwanted for him to see it in a positive way.
Somebody a while ago had told him about the adoption process, but Keith couldn't recall who it was. All he can remember is that he didn't like the idea then, and certainly doesn't like it now.
   Keith's main issue now, is that he still doesn't have his plush hippo back. Even after a week of pretending to be nice and pretending to care about learning, not once has any staff member approached him to let him know how close he is to 'earning it back'.
He was minding his own business in the back yard when Miss Marry approached him. "They're here to meet you." She informed the child with a hopeful smile.
"I don't want to meet them..." Keith replied, looking out at the horizon. "I don't want new parents. I want my dad back..."
"I can see why you'd say that, but they're very eager to see you. Come on, let's not keep them waiting." She gently took Keith's hand in her own and led him back inside.
He complied and followed her to the front hall.
"Mrs. Rose will take things from here," Miss Marry said and pushed Keith forward.
Mrs. Rose motioned for Keith to enter the room and closed the door behind the two of them.
Keith fiddled with the hems of his shirt as he sat silently in his chair, he didn't dare look at his possible new parents.
"This is Keith," Mrs. Rose informed them. "Go on, say hello."
He shook his head defiantly.
"Keith," an unfamiliar voice reached his ears. It was a woman's voice
He looked up to find a young lady sitting across from him. No one else. Just her. These two who would be his parents are in reality just someone who wants to be his mother. Something Keith never had.
Mrs Rose looked to Keith and sighed, "say hello, Keith. It's only kind."
"It's alright, you don't have to if you don't want to." The unnamed woman said kindly. "This is all vary hard for you, isn't it."
The child again said nothing, and instead looked back down.
"I do apologize," his teacher began, "you see, Keith is very silent in class. He has some... well issues. He's quite temperamental for his age."
"I am not!" He argued. "You just don't like me!"
Mrs. Rose gave the other woman an 'I told you so' look before handing her a packet of information on Keith. "Other than his temperament, he really is a sweet kid."
"That's not true! I don't have a short temper!" He tried his best to prove himself innocent. "Like I said, you just don't like me."
"As I was saying," his teacher continued, ignoring what he had said, "Keith really is a very sweet child, you just need to have some patience."
   Keith huffed and turned his head to face the wall.
   "I'm sure he's not too bad, right Keith?" The woman on the other side of the room looked to the small boy, trying to engage him in conversation.
"I don't know what those papers say," he began and pointed to Mrs. Rose, "but she's lying. I'm not a problem child, and I'm not temperamental!"
   "Well, Maybe you could tell me a bit about yourself."
   Keith shook his head. "There's nothing to tell."
   The woman seemed as though she was slightly hurt by his decision to stay mostly silent. "Anything at all? Even just something simple." She pleaded.
   "I've never had a mom." He answered after a while. "And, no offense, but... I don't really want one..."
   Mrs. Rose pointed her thumb to the door behind her. "Keith, why don't we step outside for a moment?"
   Without saying anything, Keith stepped outside and waited for his teacher to come out.
   "Why can't you show some respect?" She asked him. "She's trying to take you in and love you, but you're just pushing her away."
   "I already told you," he snapped, "I don't want a mom! You cant force me to live with someone I don't like."
   Mrs. Rose rolled her eyes, "you don't have to go and be a brat! Have some discipline."
   "You can't tell me what to do! You can't force me to respect people when you don't even respect me!"
   "I am your elder, Keith. You either behave or you can say goodbye to that hippo forever."
   "You're not my mom! You're not my dad! You can't make me do anything!"
   She took a deep breath, again ignoring his comments, and turned Keith back to face the door. "Just behave yourself for at least ten minutes."
   Keith groaned and went back into the room, taking his seat across from the lady.
   "I apologize, ma'am." Mrs. Rose gave a kind smile. "I hope you can understand."
   The woman across from him nodded. "I understand completely. It's hard for you, isn't it, Keith? You miss your father, don't you?"
   "Look," Keith sighed deeply, "I'm not just some kid who misses his dad. It's not that simple. I'm not the kid you want to adopt. I'm sure you've read about how bad I am in those stupid folders."
   "You're not a bad kid." She told him, "you lose your temper easily. So what?"
   "Mrs. Rose certainly doesn't think that!" He glared at his teacher. "I'm a problem child, aren't I?!" He challenged.
   "I-I wouldn't say—" Mrs. Rose stuttered.
   "Why do you hate me?! You stole what was mine!" Keith yelled, completely forgetting about the other person in the room. "You won't give it back because I'm a 'bad kid'! I didn't do anything!"
   "You attacked another child!"
   Keith's jaw dropped, he quickly glanced to the woman across the room, hoping she somehow didn't hear that.
   "Clearly you seem like you're in the middle of something..." the lady stood up and walked to the door. "I hope someone you'll be comfortable living with will find you, Keith." And with that she left.
   "Happy now?!" The little boy growled. "I'm never going to get adopted now. But I guess you don't care."
   "I do care, Keith."
   "No you don't! You hate me! I've been 'fine' since that stupid trip, yet you never even thought to give it back! It's mine!"
   He didn't wait for a reply and ran after the woman.
   "Wait!" He called out to her, panting as he ran. "Please don't go!"
   She turned around, surprised to find the little black haired boy at her feet. "How can I help you?"
   "Please! Take me with you. I hate it here!" Keith begged her. "They hate me and they're mean."
   "Keith, I really am sorry." She knelt down in front of him and tussled his hair. "You're a sweet kid. I know you are. However, I can't force you to be in a household which you want no part in."
   "But... you said you wanted to adopt me. You wanted to be my mom." His small voice began to crack and his eyes stung with tears. "I thought you liked me."
   "I do. I really do like you. But I'm afraid it isn't going to work."
   "It's because I got into a fight isn't it...?"
   She sighed and gently tilted his chin up with her index finger. "You're not a bad child, Keith. You have your ups and downs. We all do. And I'm sure you'll find someone soon. But for now, keep working on getting your friend back, alright?"
   "No..." Keith felt a tear roll down his cheek as he watched her leave. "Does nobody truly care about me...?"

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