Foster 1 Day 1- Routine

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   Keith awoke the following morning to a bright warm sun peeking out from behind the trees just outside his window. Comet was curled up at his feet still fast asleep.
   He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and crawled out of bed to make his way to the window.
   Sitting beneath it, blanket in hand, he let his eyes adjust to the outside world. It was so quiet and peaceful. No yelling toddlers, no crying babies. Not a single person telling him what to do, when to get up, or when to get dressed. It was nice in a foreign sort of way.
   The door of his room opened slowly, and he would not have been able to hear it if not for the carpet beneath its path.
   He turned his head quickly to see who was there.
   "You're up." Mr. Robinson observed with a smile. "How was your first night?" He came and sat on the floor next to the child, waiting patiently for a response.
   Keith glanced to the man and the corners of his lips tilted upward into a small smile. "It was fine. The bed is very soft."
   "I'm glad you like it. And the covers, were you too cold? Some kids want more blankets than others."
   "No. I was fine."
   He looked back out the window, wondering how many children had been here before him.
   Keith suddenly became very bitter. 'How could they just foster children like that? Just rent them for a few weeks and then send them back?! It's not okay!'
   Clearly, Keith's idea of fostering is a little more inhumane than what it actually is, but for an orphaned boy who didn't know better, this situation was still much worse than he would have liked.
   "Are you hungry?" He asked the boy, "Sarah has prepared a welcome breakfast for you."
   "Sarah...?" Keith asked in confusion. Who was that?
   "Oh right." The man gave a slight chuckle and began to explain to Keith that Sarah was his wife's first name, his being Jacob, and that he was welcome to call them by those names.
Mr. Robinson led Keith downstairs into the kitchen where he was greeted my a delighted Mrs. Robinson and a table covered in steaming, delicious food.
"Thank you... for the food..." he said cautiously. The child was never presented with a meal like this ever in his life. His stomach growled, reminding Keith that he was more than a little hungry.
   "You'll have to let me know if you like it." Sarah said as the three of them sat down at the table. "I'll take you into town today so you can pick out some food an clothes from the next few weeks."
   Keith nodded, smiling as he did so, but he wasn't really happy. This whole family compassion thing was new and somewhat frightening. It worried him. "When do I start school...?" He asked in his usual, quiet voice.
   "Next Monday." Jacob told him looking rather proud of nothing specific. "You'll be attending Darter Elementary School. It's small but it's very closely tied with Plaht City Middle School."
   "Plaht... City...?" He raised an eyebrow in disbelief. That can't actually be the city's real name. "What's so special about that?" The boy asked, taking a cautious bite of eggs.
   "The Galaxy Garrison often sends their teachers there to recruit new cadets." Sarah answered. "If it's any interest to you, that'll be a good motivator to do well, won't it?"
   Keith gave a nod, trying to remember why that name was so familiar. Galaxy Garrison.... What was it...? Nothing came to mind...
Breakfast was absolutely amazing. Even Keith had to admit he enjoyed it all. The soft, warm eggs, the crunchy buttered toast, the fruit, the crispy bacon and the juicy sausage. It was heaven compared to what he normally gets at The Home.
After he finished what he wanted, he was instructed to go upstairs, brush his teeth and hair, get dressed and come down once he's ready.
Keith went up to his room and opened up his suitcase which was still full of the things he brought. There was hardly anything in there, but it was more than what he had when he entered The Home. Three shirts, two pair of pants, some underwear and an assortment of socks. Plus, his toothbrush and a small container of toothpaste he stole from the bathroom before he left.
Once all tasks were completed, he went downstairs to find Comet playing a game of fetch with Sarah in the back yard. It made the kid smile. Normally, at The Home, Comet was made to sit in his room all day until after class. But here, he has an entire house and yard to play in.
Keith slid the glass door open and stepped outside. Comet noticed Keith immediately, dropping the stick and bolting towards him.
"Did you teach him to fetch?" Sarah asked, watching the boy and his dog.
"No... He just kind of asked to play one day and then started bringing me things."
She smiled, "that's one special dog you've got if he already knows how to play fetch."
"Yeah... Him and I are pretty close..." Keith bent down and picked up the dog. Comet was much bigger than he was when the two first found each other, so holding him was a little more difficult, but neither the boy nor the dog seemed to mind.
"If you're ready," Sarah began, leading Keith back inside, "we should head to town and pick out some supplies and clothes for you, shouldn't we?"
The boy nodded and gently placed Comet on the floor.
He followed his foster mom out to the driveway and climbed in the backseat. "Where are we going exactly?"
"Just to a small strip mall nearby."
Keith poked his head up to look out the window and admire his surroundings. This part of town was not familiar to him. Most of it was, since his dad took him there every week. However, this particular area was not known to the boy. Maybe it was new. Or new-ish. At least renovated.
   "You're very quiet, Keith," Sarah remarked, glancing to the rear view mirror to see if he was even awake.
   "Huh? Oh... Yeah... I don't talk much."
   "Why not?"
He shrugged, resting his chin on his hand, continuing to stare out the window. "Don't know... Just don't like it..."
"Well it's best you learn some communication skills now." She told him. "You are entering third grade in a few days."
Sarah was kind enough to help Keith out of the car even though he was definitely old enough to do so by himself. Nonetheless, he thanked her awkwardly and the two of them entered the shopping mall. She took him first to an office supply store where he was able to pick out a backpack and some folders for the year. As well as a packet of pencils and a lunchbox. The types of things he had not ever had since they were destroyed in the fire which killed his father. There was no need for any of these things at The Home since he learned everything in the same place, and never went anywhere else.
Whatever they were given, supply wise, had to stay with the teacher since is was all just what they were being leant. None of it was for keeps.
Afterwards, Keith was led to a children's clothing store. Self explanatory.
"Just let me know if you see anything you like, okay?"
"Yeah, I will." Keith began looking through the shirts and pants on display, none of it was particularly appealing but they were okay.
Something did however grab his attention. He pulled out a red jacket with a white hood and shoulder. Keith looked over his shoulder to see Sarah looking through another rack of clothing, trying to find something he might like. Slowly, he began placing the jacket back where he found it 'she probably wouldn't let me get it...'
He was about to walk away when she spoke up, asking him what he was looking at.
"Nothing... Just this jacket..." Keith took it out again, showing it to her.
His foster mom frowned a bit, "It looks like it's too big on you."
"Oh... Okay..."
"But if you want it, I'll buy it for you." She said, taking the article of clothing from the boy's hands and placing it in the basket.
"Are you sure...?" Keith asked with hesitation.
"Of course. You'll grow into it eventually."
The boy watched her wander off to another display and he followed with a smile. Someone was buying him something. Something he wanted. Not what he needed. But something he chose because he wanted it.
A few hours had passed by the time they left. Keith had been pretty indecisive about what he wanted, but eventually ended up with a few shirts and pants that weren't all too bad. He liked them enough to agree to wear them.
Sarah treated Keith to some lunch at the mall. He seemed happy, at least to her. For the rest of the people around them, he probably looked sad or uncomfortable. But to her, Keith looked happy.
Once they got home, Keith put his things away and prepare his bag for school. Being eight years old made the two tasks take longer than they should have, not to mention Comet was constantly asking Keith to play a game of fetch or tug of war.
Over dinner, he was given a rundown of their schedule and the basic house rules. Simple enough to understand, a little harder to follow.
Bedtime was a very real thing in this household and it was seven thirty. By that time, he must be in his pajamas and lying in bed either with a book or sketch pad or some other 'quiet activity'. He would naturally wake up around seven or eight am so there was no struggle in him waking up.
However, the real problem would be school. Not the work, just the good attitude part. He already hated it and had accidentally showed his dislike at the dinner table. As a result, he was forced to make a promise.
Keith had promised to make at least one friend and to be as social as possible.
Great... that'll be impossible.

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