7: Chris Leaves

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I was panicking, how could he do this I couldn't stay here alone. "Why!? You can't go back" I protested.

"Kate's back from the dead, I'd think that's a good reason to leave" He barely looked at me packing his bags.

"The Hunters Council is suspicious enough, without you I'll have to fill in for you and keep up with my own duties!" I complained, it's been a weeks since the full moon and I've been having trouble concealing what I am in front of the hunters. Of course as I'd suspected the surviving wolves had stopped talking to me, and Lilly had as well. I'd dropped out of school completely, there was nothing there for me. I suppose I was being selfish trying to keep Chris here but I couldn't stay on my own.

"You could come with me" Chris said it so quietly I almost missed it, almost. I froze, if all the horrible things that beacon hills reminded me of were that easy to get over, I'd never have left.

"NO!" I shouted at him.

"Isaac you can't live the rest of your life here, you have people that care about you back in beacon hills, people who could use you right now" Chris pleaded his case.

"Exactly, they could use me no one actually cares about me, all they want is my help" I put as much poison into those words as possible. Maybe it was just the bitter hate I had for Beacon Hills or the abandoned feeling I'd always had, but I'd realized all I did was help them. Always a problem that they needed me to help them solve, or use me as a pawn. I was done, here things were slightly less problematic. Yeah no one liked me here and no one except the hunters even talked to me any more, but it wasn't like I wasn't used to this.

"What about Scott?" Was all Chris said. Scott, the name brought upon me so many memories. It all seemed so distant now even though barely any time had passed. Scott cared, he really did Scott cared about everyone but I didn't belong there, I didn't belong here but at least I could fake a happy life. Back in Beacon Hills everyone knew my father had abused me after he was killed, they all knew I'd been a fugitive and I'd been a suspect in my fathers murder. Every time an adult there figured out who I was all I got was pity from them, and that's what I couldn't stand.... Pity.

"No I'm staying" It was final, Chris left the next morning. Who knew if I would ever see him again, who knows if I would ever see the likes of Beacon Hills again.

Author's Note:

Light Editing- 8/7/18

Isaac Lahey in FranceWhere stories live. Discover now