12: Back to Beacon Hills

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I looked out at the outline of Paris. The city disgusted me after everything I'd been through here. It'd been three years since I left Beacon Hills and a year since Ben died and the hunters abandoned me. I guess I should be happy they only did that. I thought about Lilly a lot these days. I saw her on the street a couple months ago, she looked happy, well. I wanted to reach out to her but I didn't know how to after this long.

I heard she'd started working with her mom as a wolf psychologist. It was kind of ironic since she'd never even tried to understand me. It was what it was, but with all this empty time I found what I was doing most was thinking about Beacon Hills, home. I missed everyone, I missed the familiarity and the people. My jaded and bitter out look had worn away the more I was on my own here, I'd never experienced anything this isolating before, and I'd been alone a lot.

My phone buzzed then and I looked down seeing a name I never thought I'd see on my phone screen again. Chris. He'd sent me a text, I opened my phone to find one simple message.

Time to come home.

I held my phone starring down at the glowing screen. I felt my heart squeeze as my eyes welled with tears, it unleashed all the emotion I had prevented myself from feeling since I'd got to Paris. I clutched my phone wishing so desperately I was back home, I needed to be there again. My fingers shook as I hit the keys.

See you soon.

I took a deep breath shutting off my phone. Letting my head fall against my pillow. I'd buy tickets in the morning, but there was something I needed to do before I left.


I starred at the door as the memory of our date to the wolf reservation resurfaced in my mind. There was a pang in my heart, I wished things could've turned out differently but my time here was done. I was healed and now I needed to go home.

"Isaac?" I heard her angelic voice as she opened the door. I hadn't even knocked, I didn't realize how long I'd been standing here.

"Lilly" I didn't know how to start, I'd never been good with words.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice was timid, quiet, but I knew it wasn't fear, I could smell her sadness.

"I'm saying goodbye" I smiled a bitter sweet smile. She stood stock still for a moment.

"Why? Isaac you can't!" Lilly exclaimed grabbing my wrist and pulling it towards her fiercely, she was angry.

"Lilly what are you doing?" I pulled back instinctively.

"Absolutely not! You cannot just take off after three years! If you wanted to do that you sure as hell shouldn't have told me. You don't deserve to tell me your deepest secret and then just disappear, I LOOKED FOR YOU ISAAC" Her voice became erratic as tears came to her eyes. I cupped her face in my hand.

"I didn't know but it doesn't change the fact that I have to leave." I smiled weakly.

"NO! Isaac absolutely not, you can't just show up and leave... AGAIN" She heaved a mix of rage and sadness. I pulled her towards me holding her close to my chest and just letting her cry into my shoulder. After a bit she pulled away looking into my eyes.

"Where are you going?" She asked her voice still raw.

"I'm going home Lil" There was a hope in my voice and a light in my eyes that hadn't been there since Allison died. I think Lilly noticed because she nodded wiping her eyes.

"Then don't forget you have a cell phone idiot," She laughed with a hiccup and hit me playing. I kissed her head before I gave her a small smirk turning to leave "You were my first love Isaac Lahey". She called to me as I left.

"I'm sorry" was all I could say, because Allison was my first love and that's the kind of thing you never really get over. There was one last stop I had to make before my flight.


"What are you doing here?" Lee growled lowly. Lee, Joseph, and Jason had really grown this past year. I could've sworn Seph was taller. They must've filled Jason in because he had the same look of careful regard on his face. I laughed which definitely shocked them.

"I'm saying goodbye" I held out my hand. Then Seph did the unexpected and bear hugged me.

"You little bitch you're finally doing what's right for you" ,Despite his words he couldn't have sounded happier, it took me a minute but I hugged him tightly patting him on the back and he pulled away, "I wish you luck."

"Everything had to be the way it was but I'm still sorry to see you go" Lee grasped my forearm giving me a stern nod. I smiled appreciative, at least they let up for goodbyes.

"See you in the afterlife boys" I smirked throwing up my hands and walking away as they laughed. It was something we used to say before a mission and it some ways this was my last mission.

So long Paris.

Author's Note:

This is really the end. But if you want to read of Isaac's endeavors back in Beacon Hills stay tuned for the new book I'm writing Back to Beacon Hills which takes place after the season finale. This is me signing off :)

Isaac Lahey in FranceWhere stories live. Discover now