9: Alpha Ben

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I trekked through the moist forest, trying desperately to catch the scent of anything, even a squirrel. For the last couple weeks I'd been trying to reboot my werewolf sense, but it was like starting over again. I'd learned that now I was using the werewolf part of me again, the control over my shift was way off the charts, I'd almost wolfed out in front of Lee earlier, thank God Lee just thought I was high and shrugged it off. 

Finally I caught a scent, I was proud of myself until whoever it was tackled me from behind and pinned me to the ground.

"Why are you back traitor!?" It sounded more like a growl but I could tell it was Ben sure enough. 

"Ben let me go, and I'd tried to explain a million times what happened wasn't my fault!" I struggled but it appeared Ben had gotten much stronger since the last time I saw him. Ben released me hesitantly, I got up and looked at him for a moment. He looked confident, healthier then last time, and more muscular. 

"Ben I didn't plan on Rick being there, I didn't even know he was tracking you!" I pleaded. Ben just growled at me, I don't remember Ben being so embracing of his wolf side. 

"Yeah, but without you warning us Rick killed everyone of us except me, THAT WAS YOUR FAULT!" The end came out as a feral growl. 

"God damn it Ben, maybe if you would have forgiven me and been appreciative for what I was risking to help you, I would've kept helping you! And if the others are dead why haven't you joined up with the rebel pack?" The last pack in Paris had started to called themselves the "rebel pack" they spray paint that on the bodies of the hunters they killed, but they're hadn't been a killing for at least a month. 

"We're your brothers and sisters, you should've helped us anyway, and I killed the rebel pack's alpha, without an alpha they've either been killed or moved to the country side" he refused to make eye contact with me when he said this. I laughed at him.

"So then your no better then me, and since when are you doing the hunters job for them" 

"Isaac I'm just.... I'm just building a new pack, a stronger pack that's owes me their loyalty and we'll drive out the hunters as one" I just starred at him for a moment. 

"That's a nice sentiment, but you see the problem with that is the hunters have been here for as long as anyone can remember they're not leaving ever! And you've driven out all the werewolves, and you know from your own experience that you can't teach that many werewolves control all at once" I didn't know what had happened to Ben, is wasn't this much of a visionary before, what had changed Ben so much. 

"Isaac, I want you to be my general, you can bring them down from the inside" He turned now to look directly at me. 

"No way, some of them are my friends, and now that's there's no werewolves left the fatalities won't be nearly as high" 

"Your siding with the hunters! Isaac if they knew what you were they'd kill you without even thinking" 

"But they don't ask anything of me, they're genuine friends, they don't just keep me around because I'm useful to them" 

"Yep they don't ask anything at all except that you kill your own kind, and genuine, you honestly think they'd still like you if they knew, hypothetically if they didn't kill you" This stumped me, but I wasn't going to be the "general" of his new werewolf army. 

"Whatever I'm done with you" I start to walk away but he grabs my arm, his eyes glow a burning intense red. 

"I will reveal what you are to them, I can make you change in front of them, if you don't already on your own" he whispered threateningly in my ear. I yanked my arm out of his grasp, how did he even know about my control problems. I walked away despite what I knew he would do, I guess this would be an interesting next few weeks.

Author's Note: 

Light Editing- 8/7/18

Isaac Lahey in FranceWhere stories live. Discover now