6: Full Moon

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I had told Chris the plan, I rushed home from school that Friday to find him waiting with a load of chains and other less friendly means of containment.

"How many exactly again?" Chris asked stock piling his gear.

"18" I looked nervously at the gear, there was a lot of wolfsbane in those weapons. How would I fix any of the werewolves if we had to pull the trigger on them, I wasn't Deaton I had no idea what to do and it's not like Chris has bothered learning how to cure different types of wolfsbane during his hunter training, I don't think the hunters even knew or cared.

"Well, we should be good though you never know" he was acting like this was just another one of his jobs, and real people's lives weren't at stake here. Chris looked up at me "we should leave soon, it'll take awhile to get there and set up everything properly".

"Ok then, should we leave now?" I grabbed two of the three bags and hoisted it onto my shoulder effortlessly.

"Yeah let's get moving" Chris added picking up the remaining bag and lugging it along with him. About half down the steps the worst thing possible happened. I ran into a familiar girl, she began to fall back but I grabbed her wrist with my free hand.

"Good reflexes Isaac" Lilly looked scared out of her mind, I pulled her back onto the step her body pressed against mine.

"Um...." She smiled her face flushing as she stepped down one. "What are doing with all those bags?" Lilly looked behind me and starred at Chris for a bit before returning her attention to me. "Are they body bags?" She asked in a hushed whisper.

I laughed at her "Yes Lilly I killed three guys and Chris here is helping me dispose of the evidence" I joked.

She giggled a little "Yeah, that was a strange conclusion".

"Well then, not to interrupt but we have places to go" Chris sounded strained.

"Yeah, alright then, I asked you to stay inside Lilly so please keep your promise, bye" I put my hand on her shoulder and hopped down the steps looking back once more, she looked so bewildered.

. . .

Chris opened the trunk, we had parked at the side of the trail.

"okay grab the bags and let's get going" he started to grab one but I pulled his arm back.

"I got it" I grabbed all three hoisting them over my shoulder, though this time I felt a slight strain. We made our way deeper into the woods off the trail before the pack leader of sorts found us.

"Hey Isaac" there was something odd in his voice, and I could see his facial expression looked colder. I guess it was just one of the many lovely effects of a full moon for un controlled wolves. "Need help with the bags" he held out his hand.

"Nah, I'm good" I walked past the "alpha" of this pack, I realized I still didn't even know the dude's name. The only one I knew was Henry who had pinned me against a wall and dragged me into the woods. "So what's your name anyway?" I asked.

"Ben" I could feel him starring at the back of my head. "Since when could werewolves get tattooed?" He asked. I immediately reached my free hand to the back of my ear.

"A ninja demon who was hell bent on killing my friend because he was possessed by an ancient Japanese spirit gave it to me" I looked behind, Chris was trailing a bit behind Ben.

"So does that mean I have to find someone possessed by an ancient Japanese spirit just to get my tattoo back?" He sounded almost serious.

"No, they only give you one tattoo choice and it hurts likes hell plus this was them tagging me" I tapped my Japanese character that meant self.

Isaac Lahey in FranceWhere stories live. Discover now