5: Abandoned

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"Wait a second, who ever said I was joining your pack!" I shouted at the mysterious man. He smirked at me, he reminded me of stiles I just wanted to punch him.

"Your a werwolf in Paris, there's only two packs and you'll never survive as an omega so let us be the first to extend an olive branch" he extended a hand, smiling diligently.

"I happen to be in a pack already, and I'm fine amongst the hunters, they're no problem" I didn't know how the whole pack thing worked, if you just had to think your apart of it or if you had to be living around a certain distance of your alpha, I'd never really bothered to ask and as far as I was concerned I was still in Scott's pack. 

"But, we knew for sure the other pack hasn't asked you yet" he seemed more unsure of himself now, he thought his charm and offer of life would surely make me his.

"Yep, and my pack's got a true alpha leading us" I boasted.

"A true alpha?" The dude suddenly seemed like a clueless little kid, I thought most werewolves knew all this stuff already. The guy just caved after that "Okay, we're not a real pack, none of us are alphas and we were all bitten, just about a month back actually" he seemed ashamed.

"What!? But their must be at least 20 of you, what kind of alpha makes 20 beta's and then abandons them all." I felt bad for them suddenly, I wonder if they could even control the shift yet?

"Our alpha was prepared to wage a war against the hunters as the last surviving werewolf pack in France,so he turned any one who jogged these trails that day, but when he saw how hard it was to teach us control he left us and stuck to hiding with his old pack, and so this is our first full moon alone and we don't know what to do!" He seemed panicked all of them did, well I guess they should be the full moon was tomorrow.

"So to be clear none of you can control the shift, and you thought kidnapping me would help you how?" I was still a bit confused.

"No we can't, and Henry saw that you could control the shift so we thought you could teach us, and seriously you have a whole pack with you, and an alpha too!" It was like watching a kid open it's presents on Christmas morning.

"Yeah about that, my pack consist of 2 beta's, an alpha, a very annoying human, a banshee, a kitsune, and a were-coyote were not exactly picture perfect pack, plus they're all back in America" I informed them, I watched the faces lose all hope as I told them this.

"Well can you still teach us, and I'm not even gonna bother asking what half that shit was you just mentioned so" his voice was much colder, and harder now.

"I can try, I was bitten too, and it's better you don't ask it'd take forever to explain" I sighed, god how was I going to contain 20 werewolves on a full moon since I obviously couldn't teach them control before tomorrow.

"How many moons did it take you to learn control?" I saw something in his eyes, determination was it?

"Two moons, but don't get excited my teacher was way better then I could ever be" I told them, once again watching hope fleeing them.

"How are we going to do this, we still have one full moon to get though before I can even begin trying to teach you all, and with my strength alone I can maybe contain one of you, If I shifted two, but I've never shifted with control on a full moon I don't know what'd happen" I had no idea what I was getting myself into, leading a bunch of abandoned omegas.

. . .

I slumped on the sofa, I spent hours there trying to figure out a way to contain them all, and a way to tell Chris. I starred absent mindedly at the window. Should I call Scott? Maybe even Derek? They could tell me something, maybe something that'd make it all easier. My phone lying next to me rung so I picked up.

Lilly: Hello Isaac!

Me: Hey

Lilly: So I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me tomorrow and try some of that real French food?

Me: *sighing* sorry I can't, I'm too busy

Lilly: oh, um okay, so then what'll you be doing?

Me: Well I'll be at willow's creek path.

Lilly: why?

Me: pre-planned stuff with some friends of Chris's

Lilly: Who's Chris?

Me: Adopted dad of sorts

Lilly: oh, that's right

Me: yeah, um

Lilly: okay bye then

Me: wait, Lilly

Lilly: yeah?

Me: Stay inside tomorrow! Please, promise me!

Lilly: um, well

Me: Lilly please, you have to!

Lilly: fine, I promise.

*line goes dead*

Wow, I was never going to survive tomorrow, I just hope I can make it though with a minimum casualties as possible.

Author's Note:

Light Editing- 8/7/18

Isaac Lahey in FranceWhere stories live. Discover now