8: No Other Options

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Jason, Lee, and Joseph were chilling in my apartment. 3 months ago when Chris was still here I would've never let them in. But I hadn't even seen Lilly or the pack since that night. Marc used to hang out with us, but he'd gone dark side recently which as I learned was the official term for an apprentice who'd killed. 

"Hey sac" Jason slurred his words, he was completely trashed. The other two started cracking up at Jason's new nickname for me. 

"Dude, Duuuuddddeeee" he drew out the last word.

"Give me another one of" he seemed to lose his thoughts "those" he finished excitedly. 

"Man you're drunk off your ass" Lee laughed and slapped his knee. I had become cocky around these guys, I stopped wearing my gloves, hung out with them on full moons, invited them into my house. Without out anyone but them I had changed, for the worse unfortunately, but I felt so much better. For once I had friends that I could just laugh with and break the rules with, I had stopped warning the pack of Rick as well. Rick had figured out some survived and had been hunting them, I used to warn them of him coming but all they did was shut me out and give me the cold shoulder so I stopped caring. I stopped caring about a lot of things lately. 

"Catch" Joseph threw a pillow at Jason, it hit him in the face before he even began to react. 

"Oh, he is going to have a such a hangover at training tomorrow" I added chuckling.

"If he's even sober by then" we all drank and laughed together, it felt good I hadn't laughed this hard In, well ever. 

. . .

I woke up at 5:30 the light streaming in through the small window. Lee and Joseph were passed out on the floor and Jason was half on the couch half off. I heard Lee groan and he pushed Joseph's leg off of him. 

"Yo, why you up so early" he stretched out on the floor grabbing a pillow near him to support his head. 

"Training" I reminded him.

"Oh shit" he muttered "Joseph, seph!" He poked Joseph.

"Whaa?" He moaned, his eyes fluttering open. 

"Training" I said again. Joseph popped up suddenly wide awake.

"God damn it" he rubbed his eyes and got up "we could either leave Jason here and let him get what ever punishment they give him or help him and all risk being late" Lee told us. 

"Well if we're coming up with crazy ideas why don't I just carry him"

"Yeah your right, let's leave him" Lee flips his imaginary hair and walks away like a model. 

"Way to be a girl Lee" Seph pokes fun at him.

" omg, like girls are the best what are you even talking about, omg?" Lee says I a generic white girl voice. Joseph looks at me worried. 

"You high man?" I ask. 

"Omg, maybe" Lee keeps up the act. Me and Joseph just exchange worried glances and follow him out of the apartment.

. . .

"What's wrong with you boys today?! And where in the hell is Jason?!" The hunter trainer us yells. 

"He's sick, can barely move around" I cover for him.

"Sick with what?" I'd forgotten that every time someone got sick around here they assumed that person had been bitten, even though there was only one alpha left. 

"Stomach Flu" Lee made up "he's throwing up every where" that probably was true considering how much he had to drink last night. The instructors suspicion seemed to lessen slightly, I saw Lee exhale with relief. 

Next we were told to shoot as many Bulls eyes as we could manage, unfortunately with the hangover the other boys could only manage about three, I on the other hand who'd never been good with guns didn't get any. Couldn't risk using my heightened sight and getting too many. 

"I expect more from you Lee and Joseph" the instructor just clapped me on the back "you on the other hand are the only who's acting normal" I rolled my eyes at his insult, for some reason this guy hated my guts, maybe he had some sixth sense and knew what I was. I ignored the thoughts though, I hadn't had any paranoia for months why should I now?

. . . 

I walked home alone and found that Jason had already left, the apartment was in even more of a mess I'd thought it was. The already peeling, faded wallpaper was trashed, the window was cracked, garbage was strewn everywhere, and most of my furniture was broken or torn apart.

 It looked like a bunch of werewolves had torn the place apart, but that got me thinking, what if the werewolves did come today? I honestly didn't remember the apartment being this trashed and I wasn't drunk like the others.

 I focused and tired to smell any other werewolves, but I hadn't used my abilities in months, I'd completely turned that part of me off, and giving it a kick start was like trying to turn on a 10 year old computer that hadn't been used for the last 6 years. Finally I picked up a bit of a werewolf scent, but it was so faint to me I couldn't make out whose, it could be Ben's or that rouge Alpha's scent, I honestly didn't know.

Author's Note:

Light Editing- 8/7/18

Isaac Lahey in FranceOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara