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" We will need to interview everyone" the police officer say's.

"Distraction" Dally whispers in my ear I nod.

" Pon- Pony's in prison and Johnny's dead" I cry running around.

"No it's not..." the youngest police officer say's.

" Maybe you should explain it to her." The first police officer say's, they leave and wait outside.

" Is there anything you shouldn't say?" Dally asks me Soda and Darry.

" Well I maybe hit Pony in the heat of the moment." Darry say's quietly.

" Definitely don't mention that as far as the fuzz know Pony ran to find Johnny after an argument. " Dally say's.

" That will work." Soda say's.

" Steve and Two you didn't know anything about this argument until this morning when Johnny and Pony weren't here. Lena you completely play them you fell asleep and then just start talking about something random. Don't say anything about this argument though." Dally tell's us all.

"You done now" The younger police officer ask's.

" Everyone's getting in the truck" Darry say's.

"There aren't enough seats it's illegal" The first police officer say's.

"Then I guess we ain't going all at once." Two say's the first police officer sighs.

" You can all get in the truck then just this once, don't think this is a regular thing." The first police officer say's.

My Interview

"What time did Pony get back?" The young police officer asks.

" Don't know fell asleep at eight." I say.

"Why did Pony run?" He asks.

" I don't know." I say.

"Why doesn't Johnny stay with his parents a lot?" He ask's.

" Ask the gang I don't know." I say.

" We will, thank you Lena." He say's.

"Hey Darry, how it go?" I ask.

" Better than I thought it would Luna." Darry say's.

" We can go, I was the last person they needed to interview." Dally say's.

Lena CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now