Winner Winner...

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My eyes widened as Marshall took a bite of his sixth piece of chicken. Grease was smeared on parts of his lips and clung to the thin layer of stubble growing on his chin.

I burst out laughing as he looked at me and tried to keep a straight face. He stood up from the booth he was sitting in and put his hands on the table, leaning close to me.

"Is this attractive or what?" He asked playfully, wiggling his eyebrows. I smacked his arm and he sat down, chuckling and wiping his face with a napkin he picked up off the table.

"Fuck off," I gasped, out of breath from laughing so hard. He snorted and took a sip of his Mountain Dew, me following his lead with my Dr. Pepper.

A pause, then, "That was one of the most fun days of my life." I smiled at him, he grinned back.

"Yeah. It wasn't too bad." He replied. "I'll drive you home."

My response was immediate. "No you won't."

"Oh, come on," he scoffed, but I could see in his eyes that he was slightly relieved. The waitress walked back up then, handing me the check. Before I could grab it, though, Marshall did. "Oh no you don't. This is my gift to you."

"KFC is my gift?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. In reality, though, despite my sarcasm, I did appreciate the favor. He rolled his eyes, slipping the waitress a twenty and whispering something into her ear. She giggled and walked away, her bleach blonde hair flowing and her hips making every man in the place do a double-take.

I turned towards my drink, feeling my heart sink as I took a sip. But I refused to show my annoyance.

I guess he really isn't different. Not that I care or anything, I thought bitterly.

That's when a scraping sound echoed throughout the room. I whipped my head around towards the sound. Tables were being pulled across the floor, towards the walls. The middle of the restaurant was completely clear. A song started to play through the speakers, and I realized that Marshall had stood up and was offering me a hand.

"Will you dance with me, Alexis Brindle?" Even despite the sweet gesture, he still managed to be dressed like a rapper and have that stupid grin on his lips. I felt my breath knocked out of me as I took his hand, not wishing him to be any other way. We danced for a long time, and it was fun to watch Marshall make a complete fool of himself.

And thirty minutes later, when we collapsed into chairs and the music cut off, I was still smiling.

"That was fun," I breathed.

"Understatement of the year," Marshall replied.

I laughed and stood finally, walking towards the front door and waiting for Marshall. I saw him wink at the waitress, watched her make a sweeping gesture towards me, like go on.

I felt my face tinge pink as I turned back around and walked out the door. The night air was cold, biting at my bare arms and legs. But somehow, I felt warm inside. The day was so amazing-unable to have been any more perfect.

Even the chicken part.

No. Especially that part.

The thought made me snicker as I slipped into the driver's seat of Slim's Mercedes and drove off.

"Yo, you're going to come somewhere with me again tomorrow," Marshall said from the passenger's side.

"Woah, woah, wait. I have to work tomorrow!"

"Psh. Girl, look at me. You know I can find a way," He asked with a mischievous expression.

"Nuh-uh, Slim. Don't mess around with my job. I have to pay for this apartment or I'll have nowhere to go!" He contemplated this for a moment.

"Call in sick."

"No, Marsh-"

"Just do it! Live a little! I bet'chu fuckin' money that you've never skipped work before, 'cept maybe once or twice. Am I right?" He asked.

I sighed, defeated, then admitted it. "Yeah..."

"Be ready by nine, aite?"

I tried and failed to hide my smile as it took over my face. "Alright, bunny rabbit. Don't be late."

"Psh. Who do you think I am?" His own grin tugged up the left corner of his lips, his eyebrows raising and making his crisp blue eyes sparkle.

"The biggest damn idiot in the world."

"Well you might just be right there."

I laughed, and he joined in.

A few more minutes and I pulled up to my apartment. Turning off the car and stepping up to my home's entrance, I heard Slim follow after me. I faced him at the door, and his eyes were still that bright, icy blue.

"Yo, thanks for the good time, Sadie." He said, his hands shoved into his pockets.

"No problem, Rabbit."

We stood there for a while and then I broke the space between us and embraced him. He returned the hug warmly and then walked backwards towards his car, waving and still wearing that lighthearted expression. I laughed and waved back before unlocking my door and walking inside.

All around me was dark, until I flipped the light switch and the flickering glow of electricity revealed my beloved home. I changed into my sleep clothes-which basically consisted of an old, baggy tee and boxers, and sat down on my bed.

When I checked my phone, there was a blue text bubble already on my screen.

Bunny Rabbit: 9 am. Don't forget.

I shook my head with a snicker and typed back.

Me: Psh. Who do you think I am?

The white typing bubble appeared, then soon after was replaced by the letters of his message.

Bunny Rabbit: I taught you well.

Me: Fuck you.

Bunny Rabbit: Please don't! Nite.

After a moment of reading over our texts, I flipped over my phone. Suddenly, that same feeling I'd had at Final Round took me over and I yanked off my case with Matt on it. Glancing at it once more, I tossed it in my bedside trash bin. I felt a huge weight lift itself off of my shoulders and I sighed.

I then slipped under my covers and closed my eyes.

Never had I slept better.

Not So Broken - Eminem [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now