The Cudi Discovery

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~Later that day~

Sitting at home with a Dr. Pepper in hand, I popped my new Kid Cudi album into my CD player and pushed play.

I listened to the first song with curiosity. It had a chill beat and laid back vocals. The back of the album named the song 'In My Dreams'.

When that one was over, a small click emanated, telling me that the next song would play soon. When the next started playing, it had a danceable tune and upbeat lyrics. I nodded my head in rhythm with it. Smiling, I read the name of the song, Soundtrack 2 My Life, and then began to clean my apartment with the music as a background. After the first two choruses, I sang along with the last one.

"I've got some issues that

No-body can see,

And all of these emotions are

Pouring out of me,

I'll bring it to the light for you-

It's only right.

This is

The soundtrack 2 my life,

The soundtrack 2 my life."

I laughed and dried the last plate from my sink, placing it gently on top of the others as the third song from Kid Cudi's album played.

It started out with a man saying ABC for the background and then added 123 following in with that. After a few seconds Kid Cudi came in. The chorus was catchy.

"As simple as that.

A simple as that.

As simple as that for your simple ass. (x3)

As simple as that.

As simple as (1, 2, 3)."

The name was pretty obvious. As Simple As.... I read as I scrubbed the kitchen counter with a sponge. I read the name of the next one just as the fourth song played. Solo Dolo (Nightmare). It had a slightly creepy beat but one that made me tap the beat with my foot all the same.

By the end of that one, I finished cleaning all the counters. I admired my work that I had done so far and then walked towards my bed, where my laundry was piled up. I sighed and got to work. The fifth song in the album was titled Heart of a Lion. It had a catchy rhythm with a great beat and the vocals were awesome.

"At the end of the day, day,

My momma told me:

Don't let no one break me,

Let no one break me.

At the end of the day, day,

Nobody, nobody

Ever could stop me,

Ever could stop me.

At the end of the day, day,

You can't regret it if you were tryin',

If you were tryin'.

At the end of the day, day,

I'm walking with the heart of a lion."

I hummed along and actually sang the third chorus with Kid Cudi, imagining him performing on stage as I folded the last shirt and started with my jeans and shorts.

A few minutes later the sixth song started. It was called My World and had a chill beginning and then got more exciting.

"(One day,)

This will be My World.

(I told you so.)

This will be My World.

(I told you so.)

This will be My World.

(I told you so.)

This will be My World.

(Yeah, yeah.)"

I was loving the album so far, and I hadn't even finished all my laundry. A few more towels and bed sheets to go. As I started folding them, the familiar click sounded and the seventh song began. Immediately I was hooked by the beat and I moved my feet with the rhythm, actually smiling. It was called Day 'n' Nite.

"Cuz Day 'n' Nite,

The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night.

He's all alone through the Day 'n' Nite.

The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night.

At, at, at night.

Day 'n' Nite,

The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night.

He's all alone, some things will never change.

The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night.

At, at, at night."

Kid Cudi sang smoothly. I had finally finished my laundry and so I pressed the stop button on my CD player as soon as the song was over.

All my chores for today were done. I sighed and smiled. I would finish listening to the album later. I glanced at the clock. Almost seven. Time for work. I sighed and went to get ready.

The break was nice while it lasted.

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