Slim Sadie Gets Noticed

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~The next morning~

I woke up groggily to the sun peeking through my old window. Yawning, I rolled over only to get tangled up in my sheets and fall off my bed yet again with a thump. I sighed into my carpet before turning back over and rubbing my eyes tiredly.

As you can see, I'm not a morning person.

I finally managed to stand and hobble over to my bathroom, where I stood in front of the mirror and yawned again.

"Good morning, you stupid bitch," I croaked to myself with mock-cheeriness. I then proceeded to my daily routine: brushing my teeth, using the restroom, showering, combing my hair, washing my face. By then I was more or less awake and could trust myself to make a smart decision in the clothing category.

I snatched a loose silver 'Detroit VS. Everybody' wife beater and tugged it over my head. I followed that by putting on a pair of high waisted black shorts and tucking the shirt into them, finishing the look off with my black beanie and Vans. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I shrugged.

Good enough.

The cold wind bit at my bare shoulders as I walked outside, but after years of living in Detroit, I was pretty much used to it. In the distance I could still see the sun rising, making the sky erupt in shades of blues, pinks and golds. I smiled.

See? Detroit's gorgeous, you just gotta know where to look.

The sign announcing where the Hip Hop Shop stood soon entered my line of sight and I felt the left corner of my mouth tug into a smile. I was betting that the moment I walked through the doors I would get tackled by Andy.

Not that I minded. He was such a cool guy, after all.

Sure enough, the moment the bell sounded, Andy hustled to my side and enveloped me in a hug.

"Alex! Or should I say Slim Sadie?" He raised an eyebrow and laughed. My face turned bright red.


"Don't tell me you haven't heard?" He gasped in fake surprise. I rolled my eyes.

"I haven't heard."

He laughed and held up a folded piece of paper. I snatched it from his hand eagerly, to which he chuckled, and read it over.

"Oh my God..." I said breathlessly.

"That's what I said."

"Oh my GOD!" I repeated, my heart fluttering in my chest.



"Sadie, shut the fuck up!" But he was laughing.

I was jumping up and down by now, the paper clutched tightly in my hand. On it was a picture of Marshall. Below that, was a clip of a paragraph from a magazine.

Marshall Mathers, also known as Slim Shady, has just yesterday informed us that he is to compete in a rap battle in Detroit's underground fight club-Final Round. It will be held this Thursday and everyone is welcome. He tells Detroit Magazine that Alexis 'Slim Sadie' Brindle will be the DJ there, and that 'he can't wait to hear her mixes while he raps'. Also, we have information that...

The article went on, but I just read over that part over and over. Andy grinned smugly. I glanced up and smiled until my face hurt.

"Thanks, Andy." I said with sincerity.

"Hey, what're friends for?" He threw an arm around my shoulder and embraced me before leaving towards the front counter to serve customers.

I looked back down at the slightly faded article in my hands and fought back tears of joy. It meant a lot to get noticed by someone like him.

I then admired the picture, enjoying the smile he had put on for the camera.

He actually looks like a nice guy when he's smiling and not drunk and punching you.

I snickered at the thought and finally folded up the paper, slipping it into my back pocket and heading towards the instrument section of the Hip Hop Shop to purchase some awesome, better sounding headphones for my DJ set.

After all...

I wouldn't wanna disappoint Slim Shady.

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