Pursuit of Happiness

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~Later that night~

I laid in my bed, still dressed in my clothes from that day. I kept thinking of Cruz. He was a good friend of mine and I felt pretty bad about slapping him. He had been just trying to help. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and found that he had already texted me.

Cruz: Hey, Alex... I feel terrible... Text me soon k?....

Me: Sorry about slapping you so damn hard. I must be too strong.

I chuckled at my own message and a few seconds later he responded.

Cruz: You keep telling yourself that. So I'm not losing my business?

Me: Sorry, guess not. Can't get rid of me that easy.

Cruz: I'm glad. See you Sat.

Me: Saturday is my next appt.?

Cruz: Yup. Don't tell me you forgot again.

Me: Forgot what?

Cruz: Haha. Any-who, I've gtg. Another patient.

Me: K. Bye. See you Sat.

Cruz: Aye.

I tossed my phone and with a light thump it landed on my bed, my case facing upwards.

It was a custom case I had made that showed a picture off Matt and I at the beach. I was wearing a loose white, lacy top with jean short shorts. Matt was wearing an unbuttoned white shirt, showing off his amazing chest, and he was giving me a piggy back ride. The wind was blowing my hair around at the time and our faces both showed sparkling eyes and laughing lips.

I almost started to cry. Instead, I turned my phone over so the case was hidden in the bed sheets. Then I stood and walked to the fridge, pushing past the bottles of Mountain Dew and grabbing a Dr. Pepper.

After cracking it open and pouring it over some ice, I snatched an ice pack from my small freezer. Then, I sat on my old, run down sofa in my old, run down apartment and turned on my old, run down television. They may not have been the nicest things, but I loved them all the same. They were part of my life. My home. The place I could get away. When the television clicked on, MTV was showing a man with light brown skin and a stunning smile. When he spoke, his voice made him sound very young.

"Ladies and gentleman, Kid Cudi!" The announcer informed me. I sipped my Dr. Pepper and used my other hand to hold the icepack to my eye as the man began to perform a song in a genre I had never heard. I nodded my head with the beat-he was very good. When he finished, he told the audience the name of his song, 'Pursuit of Happiness'. I smiled a bit at the screen.

"Kid Cudi, huh? Not bad, Cudi. Not bad at all." I watched the rest of the program with interest until my clock informed me that it was almost ten. I turned off the T.V. and stood to make something to eat.

Then I laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling until my eyes closed and I drifted off.

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