White Lies

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"Yes," I faux-croaked into my phone, trying my best not to laugh. "I'd like to call in sick." My boss on the other end paused hesitantly, then sympathized. And it was over.

I hung up and collapsed with laughter onto my bed, already dressed in a tank top, matching black jeans, and combat boots. My heart jittered with the feeling of rebelliousness. I immediately texted Marshall.

Me: Mission sneak me away is a go.

Bunny Rabbit: And you didn't believe me. I'm like King of mind games.

Me: Yes mr. narcissist I know you're just a fucking genius. You should get an award.

Bunny Rabbit: Finally! Someone understands! See you in 20.

Something about the last part made me smile just a little bit. That idiot.

Exactly thirty-four minutes later, Marshall pulled up, dashing to my front door and banging on it furiously, non-stop.

"What is it?" I demanded as I opened the door, exasperated but laughing. He just smirked smugly.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"I got you something." He then proceeded to his car, while I stood confused on my doorstep. A moment later, he returned, holding in his arms a small cat, colored a dark grey with small white paws. Wrapped around it's petite neck was a dark blue bow tie, sloppily tied.

"Mother of-" I rolled my eyes and grinned, heart bursting.

"I found him on the on the side of the road. I figured I would ask you if you wanted to keep him before I gave him up to the ASPCA. And to make it an easier decision, I put my bow tie on him to make him cuter. He didn't like that much. Got any BandAids?"

I noticed the backs of his hands were clawed and I gasped, a giggle escaping my lips. "Yeah-come in," I said, moving aside. The moment he stepped through the doorway the kitten leapt from his arms, running around the living room before finding a spot underneath the couch.

I got him some bandages and helped him peel the backs off, applying them to the shallow scratch marks on his hands.

"So are you ready to leave?" He asked when I was finished.

I looked at him. "Um, sure! Where are we going?"

He took a step towards me, extending his arm. "It's a surprise, my love." His grin was sheepish and cheesy.

I took his hand.

Fifteen minutes later he was giving me directions and I was behind the wheel of his car, completely clueless as to where he was leading us.

"And just take that left," he concluded, pointing to a sharp corner. I complied, just barely making it, and burst out laughing.

In front of us was a park, nothing fancy, just about an acre of grass surrounded by trees. In the middle was a swing set and slide. Currently nobody was there except for us. On a picnic table was an old fashioned basket, overflowing with grapes, and two plates, sandwiches stacked atop them.

"Proof made 'em." Marshall said with a sideways smirk. I chuckled and stopped the car, stepping out and practically skipping towards the table.

"It's beautiful," I told him, bubbling with joy as we stood in front of the picnic. He noticed and suddenly, his eyes softened.

"You sure are."

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked incredulously, grinning all the same.

"So what if I am?" He stepped closer. I looked upwards to meet his gaze and felt my face heat up.

"Is this your way of asking me out?" I asked, trying desperately to keep my composure.

"Maybe," he said quietly, just above a whisper. His expression was adorably innocent. "What would you say if I did?" I pretended to think.

"I don't know."

"Should I find out?"


And then he was kissing me.

His arms went around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and my arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, as if we'd done it a thousand times before.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said breathlessly, a sheepish grin playing on his lips. I just nodded.

And that's how my love story began.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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