Chapter Eighteen

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"So I have modified your training schedules" Byron replied stiffly. He didn't look too happy. He handed us each a schedule. "The next three months will be rather rigorous for all of  you. We are looking for improvement from all of you not just Iris."

I frowned slightly. The schedule was terrible. We had some late night practice sessions.

"We don't want to raise suspicion so we will be using the back gym for your practice sessions during the day and we will be in this gym late at night. The Guard members will also be joining some of the other training sessions. They will bring whatever they learn to you guys"

I had Crossfit early Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. He had cut back two days for that class. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons I had training sessions with my sword. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday I had one on one sessions late at night. It was going to suck because we still had our meeting with Rupert for some training early on Saturday.

My life was going to suck for the next three months.

"We want to include as much variability in your training as we possibly can. I will try to get other Guard members to join us and other students as the pretext that my student needs to improve but it won't be likely. They weren't too happy to lose to a pair of First Series Students" Byron smiled at Thomas and Ezra. "I will do what I can. As for you Iris, I won't be able to get another female for your one on one matches. It will be have to be one of us." He signaled himself, Vino, Drake and the Guards.

I nodded.

"That's fine- the bigger the better." I muttered.

Tobey burst out laughing. My face turned red knowing what he thought.

            "Okay as a warm up- give me a two mile run around campus." Byron started "Guards you can join us if you want"

They were taking off their shirts getting ready to join us.

I grumbled to myself. He knew I hated running.

We walked outside slowly.

            "Come on" Tobey ran alongside me. I glared at him. I hated that he was encouraging me. I wanted to choke him.

I huffed along with the boys. I really needed to get out and run more. I sucked at it.

I finished last. I fell to the ground pressing my face against the cold grass.

"Burke on your feet- walk it off" Byron yelled at me. I lifted my hand but I dropped it. I wanted to give me him a gesture.

"Come on Guardian- up" Xavier lifted me up on my feet. I stared at him with surprise as he put me on down. "Breath through your nose"

I nodded. I was sweating heavily and breathing loudly through an open mouth.

"You alright" Tobey came up.

"Let's jog to the back gym" Vino called to us. I glared at him which only made him smile.

"I'll join you" Tobey grabbed both my shoulders. "Come on- you can do it."

I didn't answer. Tobey jogged slowly next to me. I had a terrible stitch on my side. I was not meant for jogging especially running.

Byron waited for us at the door.

"That was terrible Burke" he shook his head at me. "Two weeks off and you are huffing like a smoker"

"Not all of us spend hours training Enden" I snapped. I was annoyed with him. I glanced quickly at his well sculpted chest. "Some of us want the Chocolate cake life."

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