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Arthur and I sat at his kitchen table in what was a very awkward silence. I kept my eyes on my fingers as they squished the hem of my sweater together. In and out, folding it like an accordion only to straighten it out again and start over. I could feel his eyes watching my every move, waiting calmly in front of me. Sighing, I glanced up at him. He was leaning back in his chair, eyes trained on my face.

"By "we" do you mean Mera?" I asked.

Arthur perked up and leaned forward, "I've already contacted her." There was a pause, and the eyebrow with the scar slicing through it twitched slightly, "Are you remembering?"

"Only a few things so far. We're not exactly friends are we?"

He laughed, "No, we're not exactly just friends."

"Ok, what happens next?"

He clapped his hands together, standing up suddenly. I stared at him waiting for an answer.

"She dies."

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Even if remembering was something I hadn't thoroughly done yet, I felt like I was meant to be here. His house was comforting to me, and while my mind hadn't caught up, my heart was beginning to warm at the sight of him. Arthur had gone outside to greet Mera who he said would be happy to see me, but even I knew that wasn't the case. Whenever he said her name an overwhelming emotion of jealousy would sweep over me, and I would wonder if seeing her in this state would benefit me.

Their voices grew louder the closer they got to the door, and his deep voice was low and gruff while hers sounded of annoyance.

I sat up straighter and watched the door swing open. Mera was exactly like she was in my flash of memory, beautiful and knowing. Her hair was bright and wet. The luxurious green armor hadn't surprised me, and it was like I knew she was supposed to look like this. I stared at her fake smile and stood up to greet her. Not sure on what to do I offered my hand, but she pulled me into her armor-clad arms, and that's when it hit me.

"It was inevitable — the miscarriage. Your body cannot sustain a being not meant to be carried by a human. You were simply too frail for Atlantean blood. Arthur should see that now."

The memory hit me hard, and I quickly kept my emotions in check when she pulled back, but my eyes flickered to Arthur, and I knew he had seen them.

"You are looking rather well. It's good to see you on your feet." Mera confessed, her bright blue eyes lingered on my healing gash on my forehead.

"I can fix that for you if you'd like?"

"What?" I glanced at her frowning, "I don't want any more magic or water spells, whatever you guys call it, performed on me. Thank you though."

The Lighthouse | ARTHUR CURRY: IWhere stories live. Discover now