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Downstairs I found Mera in the living room. Her bright red hair was glistening in the low light of the early morning. I had woken up to the smell of bacon and to a small but fleeting moment that was peaceful. Mera looked at me and smiled, her eyes bright. As she took in my appearance and lacked thereof clothing, I was still in Arthur's oversized sweater and socks, her smile fell into a grimace.

Sighing, I smiled at her and decided to be nice, "Good morning, Mera."


I pressed my lips together, "My name is Ingrid Clary."

Her eyebrow cocked up, and she stood up, taking my extended hand. She was tall like Arthur, and as I looked up at her, I had to remind myself that she was visiting.

"I am Mera." Her voice rose again as if she was going to say more, but she sat back down instead.

"Oh, wow." I breathed.

"Something funny, Ingrid?" The way my name sounded on her lips made me want to slap her. There was no respect.

"Nothing." I sidestepped around her and mumbled, "Surprised, you didn't keep talking."

She stood up in a flash, "You have no respect!"

I just turned to her.

"You humans are all the same. Always assume you're entitled to everything, always speaking your mind like you have no mutual respect for anybody else. I served the Queen, and you will give me the respect I am due." Her eyes glared at me, and her body was rigid with anger.

"That doesn't mean a thing on land. Up here the Queen is nothing. Just a title." I explained to her as quickly as I could immediately knowing that my words were poorly chosen.

"You disrespect my Queen? You're just like Arthur. He has no respect for his mother."

"Respect goes both ways. I'm not getting into this with you, Mera. I need to speak to Arthur." I motioned to move around her, but the look in her eyes made me pause, "What?"

"He cares for you that is evident, but you seem to be holding back?" Her blue eyes studied me, "Is it because of your miscarriage? The loss of his son?"

I stared up at her, "I don't want to talk to you about this, Mera. I don't know you."

"It wouldn't have happened if he fathered a child with me. Our bodies share the same mutation, unlike your human uterus ours are built to hold an Atlantean child."

The Lighthouse | ARTHUR CURRY: IWhere stories live. Discover now