Chapter 1

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Roger, who was sitting on a couch next to Brian, yawned yet again. There were dark shadows under his eyes. "You look like you haven't slept," Brian noted, glancing at his friend worriedly.

"I haven't." Roger said. He was evidently struggling to stay awake.

"What were you doing all night, then?" Brian asked.

"I was thinking," Roger replied.

"About what?" Brian inquired, smiling slightly. Roger just shrugged.

They were interrupted by the front door opening and Freddie stepping in, followed by John. With the four of them sharing the flat, it was rare to be able to have proper conversations without distractions.

Freddie plopped down on the couch. "Hi!" he exclaimed. "Brian, is that my shirt?" he then asked, frowning.

Brian scoffed. "No, it's mine."

Freddie opened his mouth to object while John rolled his eyes at their bickering. "Does anybody want some tea?" he asked. Roger shook his head. Freddie and Brian, having noticeably raised their voices, didn't hear him.

Roger, who'd had enough of their pointless arguing, followed John to the kitchen. "Such a fuss about a damned shirt," he said annoyedly.

John looked at him, grinning. "An ugly one, for that matter," he said.

Roger nodded in agreement.


Roger was lying on the couch with his legs draped over the armrest and his eyes closed. He was drifting off, thinking he could finally get some much needed sleep, when he heard someone stomping to the living room.

Roger didn't bother to open his eyes, but when the person spoke, he immediately recognised his voice as Brian's. "Move over."

"No," Roger replied.

Brian sighed and Roger smiled to himself, thinking he'd finally left him alone. But suddenly he felt someone's hands lifting his shoulders and when he was about to object, the hands laid him back down.

When Roger opened his eyes, he realised that his head was in Brian's lap. Brian was staring at him, looking amused. Roger gulped nervously and closed his eyes again. "I hate you," he muttered.

Brian just laughed.


"Roger. Roger, wake up!"

Roger awoke, wincing at the unnecessarily loud voice. He frowned when instead of Brian's eyes, he was met with Freddie's. Brian wasn't sitting on the couch anymore.

Due to being rudely woken up after being able to sleep for a way too short while, Roger's line of thought was not at its best. He looked around, confused. "Where's Brian?" he asked sleepily.

"He's waiting outside with John. We're going to the party, remember?" Freddie spoke enthusiastically.

Roger groaned. How could he have forgotten? "I don't want to go!" he whined.

"That's too bad," said Freddie, grabbing Roger's arm. He dragged him out of the room, Roger complaining all the while. 

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