Chapter 6

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A/N: Well...

Harry pulled Louis into his lap as they waited for a verdict to be made. Louis sighed into Harry's chest as he was getting kisses pressed to his neck. He linked his hands over Harry's and began to play with his long, ringed fingers.

"Hey, Lou. You okay?" Harry asked.

"No! I am not okay!" Louis said almost in tears then turned his head into Harry's warm chest.

"Lou, shhh. Baby, I love you alright. I know that this is scary, and it may not turn out how we want it to, but we'll have each other okay." Harry replied, rubbing Louis' shoulders.

"Yeah," Louis sighed into his neck.

"I love you okay, no matter what happens."

"I love you too Haz" he replied before wrapping his arms around his neck.

"All rise."

They stood up as the Judge walked in. Harry kept Louis close to him by wrapping an arm around his waist and held him to his chest. Louis sighed as the jury walked into the room again and hid his face into Harry's chest.

"Will the jury foreperson please stand? Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?"


The Judge is handed a verdict and Louis holds his breath as their fate is decided. The whole court is silent as the Judge reads it before handing it back to the clerk. Louis' eyes widened while the exchange happened.

"The jury finds the defendant-" Louis gripped Harry's hand tightly. "-guilty."

Louis instantly let out a loud cry as he collapsed into his seat. He violently sobbed into his arms and curled in on himself as soon as the words left the clerk's mouth. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' body and pulled him closer to his body. His tears wetted Harry's jumpsuit as he wept into his chest.

"There will be another hearing to decide what their punishment is. The jury is thanked and excused. The court is adjourned" the judge said.

He felt someone tap on his shoulder, but he just ignored them. Louis felt a bit calmer as Harry ran a hand through his hair. The security guards pulled him away from Harry, and he panicked.

"Get off of me!" Louis screamed as his arms were pulled back to be handcuffed.

Harry remained quiet as they were taken out of the courtroom.


The only thing Louis didn't want was to be put on Death Row which is exactly where they were told to be put. The hearing for their punishment was short, the decision of what was meant to happen to them decided quickly. They didn't know when they would be executed, but all they knew was that they were going to be hung.

Again he was separated from Harry, who was many corridors away from him. Louis sighed as he sat in his cell on the bed that was attached to the wall, his legs swinging over the edge. Louis stared out his small gated window to see the outside. He got up from the bed and slowly walked towards the window. He only got to see part of the city, but most of it was just buildings anyway.

"Tomlinson, you have free time."

Louis just nodded, continuing to stare out of the window. "Will Harry be there?"


He turned his head to the side before looking at the guard behind him. He looked a bit impatient with him, but he wasn't phased at all by him. Louis took a step forward but was stopped before he could take another.

"Hands behind your back, I need to handcuff you."

Louis nodded and turned around to face the window with his hands behind his back. He waited while his hands were handcuffed. He only had an hour of free time, and it always seemed to go so quickly with Harry. They had only been there for two weeks, and Louis was already bored. He didn't talk to anyone except for Harry. They were in separate areas of the prison building, and he missed him for all of the time he would never see him.

He walked through the many corridors with two guards and soon they were in one of the common rooms. Louis gasped when he saw Harry walk into the room at the same time as him.


"Louis!" he smiled at him and soon Louis was running up to him.

As soon as they were together, their lips met in a hurried kiss. They couldn't touch each other like they wanted to with their hands forced together but they touched each other the only way they could.

"Harry, I missed you so much" Louis panted.

"I missed you too Lou."

Louis gasped again when he was pulled back by a guard.

"Don't hurt him" Harry growled when they roughly took off his handcuffs.

He whimpered quietly as his hands were finally freed and soon he was being held by Harry.

"Lou baby, they didn't hurt you did they? I swear if they hurt you I'll..."

"I'm fine Haz; it doesn't hurt."

Harry kissed his wrists carefully where there were a few indents from the sharp metal. Louis blushed while he looked down at the floor.

"Come sit with me, Love."

They sat down on a spare chair that wasn't filled with anyone or had anyone near them. Louis was pulled into Harry's lap, and he curled himself up into a ball with his head in his chest. They were kept in their own little bubble, and they didn't let anyone interrupt them.

"Baby," Harry said while kissing his neck. Louis hummed. "You aren't scared are you?"

"Not with you by my side."

"No has talked to you right?"

"Only the guards but not yet, if they did I wouldn't answer to them."

"Good, you only reply to me."

"Only to you Daddy."

Harry smirked.

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