Chapter 3

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A/N: Blood kink and sex

They drove far away until they ended up at a desolate motel. They had arrived in the neighbouring state of New Hampshire. It was close to nightfall with the autumn nights getting shorter and shorter. Harry booked them a room to stay in for two days. They didn't want to hang around for too long with as they didn't want to get caught. They had parked their motorcycle parked outside and made sure to keep themselves hidden.

It was time for them to go to their room. They didn't expect much; it was a motel after all, but it did look pretty decent. With a nice bed and an old TV, a small ensuite bathroom and some chairs around the room. Most of it was a murky brown colour or a forest green.

"You okay Haz?" Harry didn't answer as he paced over to the bed and threw his bag onto the floor. "Babe" he sighed. "Are you still angry?"

"Am I still angry?! We almost got caught, Lou! And you lost your ring."

"You're still angry about that?" Louis scoffed, turning towards him.

"Of course I am! You're meant to take better care of things like this."

"Harry, you know I didn't mean to lose it. I love this ring with all my heart, and I know this means a lot to you," Louis sighed, thinking back to when Harry last explained this to him.

Harry was previously going to be engaged to someone else, but they denied him. He remembered how Harry told him how humiliated and angry he felt, which eventually led him to kill them.

"But you should look after it!" he exclaimed furiously.

"Harry?! Please, I didn't mean to!" he pleaded.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again" he muttered as he reached behind him.

Louis gasped when he saw the knife in Harry's hand being pointed in his direction.

"Haz...Put the knife down" he breathed out firmly.

"Louis, I'm not going to-"

"Put. The. Knife. D-Down" Louis said. This time his voice coming out shakier than before.

"Louis, it's-"

"Put the knife down Harry!" he yelled before pulling out his gun from his back pocket.

Harry instantly froze as Louis pointed the gun directly at him.

"Louis, you wouldn't shoot me would you?" Harry questioned as he stepped closer to him without any warning.

Louis remained silent as Harry moved even closer to him. Louis held the gun shakily in his hand while Harry looked at him with his emerald green eyes.

"You wouldn't shoot me would you?" Harry asked again.

"Stay back and drop the knife Haz," he said weakly.

"Lou?" Harry questioned as he stopped a metre in front of him. "Put the gun down."

Louis' hand was shaking with tears going to his eyes. He knew he wouldn't- couldn't shoot Harry, he loved him too much and to even pull the trigger would take so much willpower for him to do it. He didn't realise Harry was right in front of him before he felt him lower his hand towards the ground. By now, Louis was crying and couldn't see anything out of his eyes.

He felt Harry's hand stroking over his cheek, lightly rubbing the tears away. He was slightly scared and could feel his heart racing.

"Shh, Lou. It's okay baby" Harry said as he stuck the knife in the wall right beside his head. Louis whimpered at the noise of the knife but soon relaxed as Harry touched his face. "You know I would never purposefully hurt you, baby. Don't you?" Louis nodded as Harry slid a hand around his waist. "I love you" he whispered as he slid a hand into Louis' hair.

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