Chapter 4

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Louis felt scared. He wanted- needed Harry, but he couldn't get to him. He was by himself in the car and could feel the walls closing him in. He never wanted this to happen. They were careful, always careful with what they do, they shouldn't be in this situation.

He could feel the cops glance at him every-so-often, but he didn't look back. He only stared at his lap and thought about Harry. He remembered the ring on his finger and he grinned. The ring brought a smile to his face as he twirled it around his finger. His thoughts turned towards their wedding. He really wanted to have it soon, but maybe they would never have it now. He didn't know what would happen to them; he didn't want anything to happen to them.

The car came to an abrupt stop as they pulled up at a local police station, Manchester Police Department. Louis sighed, Harry's car was parked in front of theirs, he must already have been taken inside.

Louis shrank into the corner of the car as the door was opened violently beside him. He screamed again as his arms were held tightly by a policeman. He got dragged into the main building of the police station where it was silent. Louis looked around the place while being taken through the many corridors and into a holding cell. The gates of his cell were tightly shut as he was thrown in.

His arms were still shackled behind his back, and he felt like he couldn't move anything without being hurt. There was a bench in the middle of the cell, and that was it apart from a small bed and a toilet.

Louis whimpered as he stepped further back into the cell. He felt trapped; he wanted to get out, and he just needed Harry to comfort him. He gasped when his legs hit the back of the brick wall. It was smaller than he thought. Louis' body slowly sank to the ground as his eyes became blurry. He buried his head in his knees as there was nothing left he could do.

It had felt like hours before someone came to see him, but as soon as he heard the sound of keys opening the door, his head shot up.

In walked a man with brown hair and he was wearing a black suit with a blue tie. It helped to bring out his eyes, but Louis didn't care about that. His head lowered back down as he stared at a spot on the floor that he found more interesting than now.

The man didn't start with anything for a few moments. "I'm Detective Payne," Louis didn't respond. "Who are you?"

Louis looked up at him with a smirk on his face, the dried tears making his face feel stiff. "You don't know who I am?" Louis laughed. "Embarrassing."

"Well, I managed to find some information about you but I know that's not true, is it. Does the name William White mean anything to you?" Louis remained expressionless. "Thought so. You see this is only going to work if you cooperate with us 'William'"

"Why am I here?"

"What do you mean by that? You must surely be joking" Louis blinked. "Haven't you heard that sometimes there are days when the occasional person may disappear in a different town, and even if you think there isn't a pattern about who they are, there always is. I can only do so much to avenge the people who were killed, from what we heard, for fun. Now I don't know if you have realised yet, but you are one of the suspects in this case along with your, what, Fiancé?" Louis glared. "So I recommend you don't try and act all dumb with me because we will find out who you are and whether you did kill lots of people."

Louis only stared at him as he was watched by 'Mr Payne'. Louis saw him turn to nod at a guard who was standing behind the gate.

"You're coming with us."

Louis growled when he was picked up by the guard. "Get your hands off of me." The guard ignored him as he was taken to a dark room with a single spotlight on a chair. He was thrown onto the seat, and he huffed in anger. "I know I liked it rough, but this is a bit unnecessary" Louis snickered.

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