Dark Forest

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They say that the moon shines the brightest when it's at the highest point in the sky. When really it's at its highest point when it reaches half way in the sky where the howls of the wolfs in the forest start. Have you ever heard the wolfs howl in the distance as the moon reached half way? Those wolves are the forest guardians, they are the good ones. But folks dont think that. They think that these creatures are dangerous and vicious creatures when they arent. Wolves are very communicative animals. They communicate to find a lost member, or to bring each other together for a hunt. They communicate with other packs to stay away from their turf. They are the life of the forest without them, the forest would be very different.

My name is Hazel Winters and I need their help. Luke has taken Harry into the Dark Forest. I need the wolves help to get him back.


Sequel to Bully/Vampire.

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