The End.

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War. Hazel has been through it. Not against the supernatural but with humans. It isnt pleasant. Hazel knows people on her side will die, but the fact that they are willing to die to save the earth is amazing. 

Hazel, Zayn, Eleanor, Gemma, Anne, Niall, Louis and Liam were stood next to eachother in a straight line, geared up. Witches took their places in the woods. Fairies above Hazel and the rest, Vampires spreaded out, with Wolves on either side of the group. 

Luke and Head Alpha walked towards Hazel, Hazel grabbed Eleanors hand and started to walk forward. 

"Hello babe" Luke said, Head Alpha growled at luke lightly, Luke gave him an evil look then faced Hazel.

"Hello Luke" Hazel answered switching her eyes between him and luke.



Hazel and Eleanor walked backwards away from him because Hazel knew Luke would try kill her if she  turned her back on him. They returned to their spots.

"FOR HARRY!" Hazel Shouted

"FOR HUMANS" Eleanor shouted

"FOR GOOD" The rest of the clan shouted. 

That was it. The end. The end of everything. The struggle, the planning, everything came down to this one bit. Both sides ran at eachother screaming. Hazels eyes focused on luke. and vise versa. 

*Hazels POV*

 I stepped into the charge, raising an arm as if for a feeble block. Luke ran full forced into me, strucking me hard, causing me to fall down on the grass. He picked himself up, shook his head and grinned. I quickly got up  I was not going to allow him to beat me. He ran full force again but this time I caught his arm twisted and pulled. He went over my head landing heavily on the ground. I was the one grinning this time. I held him down, got closer to his ear

"Ready" I whispered in his ear.

"You won't win" He snarled. He rolled over positioning his legs and kicked me off, I felt the wind leave my body as I landed on my back. He over looked me kicking me in the ribs really hard.

"You lose" He snarled. I laughed slowly, he looked at me confused.

"No I havent" I smirked as I lunged for him, biting his neck open causing blood to pour out. He put his hands to his neck trying to stop it. His eye wide. I swiftly kicked him to the ground and got on top of him. He struggled. His left hand crossed my face, scratching my eyes. I bit his hand, luke screamed out in pain. 

"After years and years of pain and agony. You'll finally be gone" I screamed at him. "One last thing. Where is Harry" I continued. I'm done with this. I just want Harry back.

"You'll realize" Luke struggled to get out, blood pouring from his mouth, he grinned at me. That was enough to rip his head off. 

"Goodbye" I grabbed his head and ripped it straight off  before placing a dagger in his heart.

I heard a massive howl, the same one from the forest, I looked up and saw Head Alpha on a rock; his blood red eyes staring straight at me. I snarled towards him. I watched as he hopped off the rock. I got up from my spot, started to walk towards him, fangs out, luke's blood on my face and body. The wolf ran towards me, I repeated his actions. I slid underneath the wolf as it jumped to bite my head, I grabbed his tail flipping him over, I heard a whimper from him as I slammed his body into the ground. 

I crouched snarling, I wasn't going to allow some wolf to over run me. As I was crouched staring at him, I noticed something. The bracelet on the wolfs paw was the same one I gave Harry...

I stood up and looked at the wolf confused.

"Harry" I whispered. The wolf looked at me confused. His eyes went from blood red to green quickly. 

"oh my god" I whispered. I had two options. Kill him or let him go. I looked around the field, blood was splatted everywhere. Bodies of once good and evil laid around. It was just me, the group and most of the clan. I looked back at Harry, a tear in my eye. Eleanor ran towards me.

"Hazel!" She shouted, she stood by me and saw the wolf. 

"It's Harry" I whispered; not only did she hear but everyone heard. She looked at Harry wide eyed. "Oh no" 

'Kill me' My eyes went wide as Harrys mind connected with mine

'no' I answered back shaking my head

'trust me' he answered back, a tear fell out of my eye. I know its the only thing to do. Harry walked towards me, I put my hands on his head and twisted it breaking his neck. I hugged him tightly muffling my cries. It started to rain but I didnt care. His body changed from his wolf way to vampire and human, no scars, no bruises, nothing. I held him tighter, tears falling down my face. The fact that it had to end this way, it hurts, it really fucking hurts. 

*15 mins passed*

Whimpering is all everyone heard as they surrounded Hazel and Harry, sadness on everyones face, their hearts broken and grieving. Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn were the worse, their brother that they grew up with, gone within a second.











Hazel felt vibrations coming from Harry, she looked up confused, Harry had started to cough

"oh my god" Hazel whispered, Harry opened his eyes and looked around confused on how he got here.

"Um" was all harry needed to say before Hazel half jumped excited to see Harry was alive.

"How" Hazel whispered into his shoulder, Harry wrapped his arms around her hugging her tightly, tears streaming down both their faces. The group around them two, jumped on them hugging and laughing.

The End.


Thank you everyone. I know this story was short and bad. Id rather get it finished then not have it finished. Thank you everyone. 

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