Chapter 13

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"Oh my god," Fallon groaned as it was her turn to comfort Ace in the bathroom as he puked up whatever drink that got him drunk earlier at the party. "Ace, what did you drink? This is disgusting!"

I stood by the door, my back against the wall, in a pair of pajamas that Fallon lent me as soon as I got here. Drew was sleeping, leaving us 'girls' to handle Ace since it's extremely crucial for him (by him I mean Drew) to get the right amount of hours of sleep so he won't be a cranky douche bag in the morning, or so he claims. I was on the Internet on my cell phone, searching on tips to help someone recover from being drunk faster. It says all Ace needs is sleep. That's going to be pretty hard considering the fact that he's been getting up every hour to vomit.

You know, it's a little interesting, the fact that he needs someone in the bathroom with him when he's puking, I mean. But Drew told us he doesn't want him choking on his vomit so he wanted one of us (me or Fallon) to be in there with him whenever he does it.

I was sleeping on the pull out couch in the guest room while Ace was sleeping on the couch in the living room. Fallon was supposed to be sleeping with me on the pull out couch but she kept going back and forth to Drew's room (being so loud while trying to tip toe in and out of the room) to cuddle next to him although he was sleeping, so I simply asked her to just stay there for the sake of me getting some sleep without hearing the floors creek and erratic fidgeting beside me in the bed.

I stuffed my cell phone in my bra when Fallon walked out and Ace weakly stepped out.

"Throwing up is so fucking gross," Ace groaned, slouching against the door as if he were unable to stand. I could tell he was becoming more of his normal self. He's going to have a huge head ache in the morning, though. I can already tell.

Fallon hissed angrily at him, "It's your fault for drinking so much."

"Bite me." Ace rolled his brown eyes at her.

Then he looked over at me. His face expression was blank but I could still read hesitance in his eyes. I stared at him for a second, remembering the last time we talked was when we were arguing and calling each other names before. I glanced away from him and stared at the carpeted floors.

"I feel like shit." He suddenly says out loud. I looked up at him and he was looking right at me still.

"Well duh, because you were drinking so god damn much!" Fallon repeated in a murmur. 

Again, Ace rolled his eyes at her but then he looked back over at me. His eyes looked sincere or something, sorrow almost. What was he trying to tell me? I've noticed that some people tried to communicate with each other just through face expressions. Could this be one of those times? I mean, he was still watching me. 

"Ace, did you hear me?" Fallon asked him all of a sudden, "It's probably because you had so much to drink."

He turned to her again, "Yeah, it must be the drinking."

I'm not sure, but the way he said it made it seem like he was lying. Fallon just watched him as if trying to figure him out. Ace glanced at me again and finally went down the stairs, going back into the living room to sleep, I'm assuming.

Fallon snapped her head at me, "What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know," I lied aloud, shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay, you know what? You're going in there the next time he pukes. No objections, no arguments, nothing. He's your guy anyway," She stated, crossing her arms. "My guy is actually sleeping his ass off in his room while we're doing all the work to help your guy since he got wasted at the party."

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