Chapter 43- The Real Talk

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3 weeks later...

"Baby...The results are finally in."

I keep looking at Xander's message on my phone as we make our way to our assigned seats in the studio. I am dying to know the DNA results but he is not replying to my messages and not answering my calls.

Either he's busy at the backstage, or he's just waiting for the right moment to spill the bad news.

God. He is killing me with the freaking anticipation! He should have typed all the details in one message so I won't be left hanging.

Is it positive? We have been expecting it to be positive. It should be positive.

It's positive, right? Because if not...

Little Logan instead of little Xander?

I feel like vomiting at the thought.

Three days ago, we went to a local branch of a DNA collection facility for our long-awaited paternity test and had our DNA samples taken; a blood sample from me and a cheek swab from Xander. The pregnant woman should be at least seven weeks pregnant to be eligible for this non-invasive test and I am finally on my seven weeks.

Up to this time, it's still not obvious that I am pregnant. I gained a little weight of course and have a small baby lump on my lower abdominal area but nothing obvious and suspicious about it. My mom didn't even notice it.

Xander and I are fairly confident about this ever since I had my first prenatal visit. This is our very own little secret. We have been claiming it to be positive. I mean, you will know it, right? You can feel it. I can feel it. But we just wanted to confirm it before telling everyone about it. I just wanted to live in peace, to erase the doubts and the what-ifs that have been subtly lingering at the back of my mind.

My heart is beating so hard right now. We didn't go for amniocentesis as we want to avoid miscarriage. The medical geneticist who befriended Xander promised us to give the results as soon as possible but I didn't expect it to come out this early.

It was a three-hour drive to NBC studios which is located in the heart of Chicago and Xander headed here first as I was feeling really sick this morning. I have been vomiting a lot more lately and I suddenly had an aversion to milk.

My breathing is rapid and shallow, and I can feel my pulse pounding hard in my temples right now. My knees are like Jell-O and it's a relief to finally settle down on my chair because I'm afraid I'll trip.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" My mom asks me as she grabs me by the elbow. "You're so quiet ever since we entered this studio."

I am definitely a luggage of nerves right now.

"I'm just nervous for Xander, Mom. He hates the crowd, you know." I adjust the hood of my jacket over my head, making sure to hide my face as much as I can. I tug the strings till they're tight, making me look like a pale sushi or something. The producers of this show have been contacting me and inviting me for an interview as well, but I was keen on declining their request. I really don't want to get involved with the media because popularity will just complicate things. Xander and I want to live in private, but his looks and the entire event with Jace are just impossible to ignore.

"I am pretty sure he can handle this very well," Amber, who is sitting on my left, comments after a long, audible slurp from her strawberry-flavored Slurpee like she has been thirsty for sixty-nine years.

From the low murmurs, the studio audience suddenly erupts as Ellen Hawke, the main host/producer of this most popular talk show in Chicago: The Real Talk with Ellen Hawke appears from the backstage along with the lively music. She looks so fresh in her usual look; icy blonde spiky short hair and denim jacket. She turns to the studio audience who are cheering like hyenas who popped thousands of ecstasy pills.

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