Chapter 33- Homebound

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Author's Note: It has literally been a month since my last update because I really have a lot of things going in my life lately. I know that I promised you last week that I will finish the remaining chapters before updating all at once but some of you might have lost their patience already, some giving me messages that they cannot wait any further, etc,  so allow me to update this first two chapters first to at least give you a glimpse of the aftermath of those unfortunate events, and I'll update the remaining ones altogether soon. 😘

Thank you for the constant support in this story. I love you all!



The sight of the sun that is brightly peering over those white cotton candies in the sky has never been this relaxing. Sitting at the backseat of this cab with my kitten melting in my arms and my best friend in the front seat, we are finally heading toward home after that tiring three-hour flight from Los Angeles early this morning.

Rebecca couldn't wait for another second to see her daughter and even planned on booking a flight to L.A yesterday. Good thing the doctor allowed us to go home the next day with proper discharge instructions along with the prescribed medicines to take.

I am jobless at the moment so I will help her in taking care of Emily full-time until her full recovery. I also need to get an appointment with an ortho doctor soon regarding my shoulder because this will definitely limit my activities.

Emily is just looking straight ahead and is obviously buried deep in her thoughts.

"I wonder what my kitten is thinking right now," I whisper next to her ear as I gently pull her head closer to my chest and let her feel the untroubled rhythm of my heart.

She looks up at me and flashes me a soft smile, "Nothing. I'm just glad that it's over now."

I pinch her chin and give her a kiss on her forehead in response.

"I will never let that happen again, okay? Everything's fine now, and we're gonna be okay." I assure her.

I let her settle in the comforts of my arms as I tighten them around her. I have to make her feel safe all the time because what she has encountered from those motherfuckers might have traumatized her.

I have been asking her the full details of her experience from that sexual ring—every detail, and she told me that they had constantly injected her with drugs, beat her up whenever she didn't follow their orders and other terrible things that she has some vague memories of.

I had the urge to kill them when I listened to her slowly opening up. I wanted to shoot their fucking brains out until I see them bloody and lifeless on the ground. Being in jail is not enough for that bullshit business they have and specifically on what they have done to my baby.

I wake Emily up with a smack on her lips when the cab finally pulls up outside their lawn. Her eyes immediately fly open when I mouth the word "home".

Rebecca and the others are actually expecting us in the afternoon and they are probably thinking that we are still in the plane right now but I wanted to surprise them.

"God, I feel like crying right now. I really miss them!" Emily squeals as we make our way to the door.

"Wow, she suddenly rose to life," Jace remarks as we noticed her sudden change in behavior.

She pounds on the door, demanding to be opened right away as if it's the bathroom door and she is being called by nature.

"Relax, Baby." I softly chuckle. I am a bundle of excited nerves right now. Emily's family is now mine and I feel like it has been ten years since I last saw them. My teeth are chattering and my insides are trembling in the mixture of happiness and...I don't know what do you call this feeling. It's some sort of dreadful anticipation. I haven't talked to her father yet and I'm worried that he would still ignore me in spite of everything that we have done.

The Doctor's Wife (A Sequel) (COMPLETED)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα