Chapter 26- Basement of Secrets

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Warning: Too much action! 👊🏻😳🔫

Enjoy loves!




I am about to take a peek on those little gaps full of grimes and dirt, but it suddenly opens and an armed man with a black ski mask climbs out of it and reaches for the hem of my shirt.

"What the fuck?!" Jace tries to shoot him but I am blocking his view. I am about to punch him down but he continues to pull on my shirt.

In just a split second, I lose my balance, unfortunately, giving the masked man the chance to drag me down the hole.

My grip on my gun loosens as I fall into the hard, cemented ground. I groan at the pain on my lower back and left shoulder, and I am paralyzed for a brief moment. I really hope I won't have a spinal cord injury right nowat least not right now. That mini heart attack immediately vanishes when it registers on me that I am still able to move my limbs.

As the masked man hurriedly descends the metal stairs from the gate, I scramble for my gun which has dropped on the floor beside me. My agitation grows even more as I hear some rustling noise further down the dark and narrow hallway. This masked assailant is definitely not alone here, and I should ready my life for some serious shit that I have only seen in movies before. Jace and I should have also worn bulletproof vests like what he had suggested this afternoon, but we didn't have much time, and I am literally putting my life here at stake. I could die any minute from now, and I am not ready yet.

I still want to have babies with Emily and grow old with her...

Just when I am able to get a hold of my gun, I flinch in pain and roll on my back as I felt a sudden, searing kick on the side of my body. This guy kicked my fucking spleen and fuck it hurts!

He forcefully puts his foot on my chest before I could have the chance to get up and fight him. He looms over me with a wicked smile on his face. I squint at the light behind his head that is coming from the rectangular hole above.

Who the fuck is this motherfucker? He's probably that guy who had taken Amber from the club, but it doesn't matter who he is now. I have to see my Emily right away.

I gasp and hold my breath the moment he pulls out his gun like lightning and firmly points it over my head with its muzzle just a little above the center of my forehead.

One wrong move, Alexander, and you're done.

"Next time, you should learn how to mind your own fucking business, Dumbass," the masked man says with a deep voice I don't recognize, and I am instantly soaked in my own cold sweat.

Is this really happening? I feel like this is all just a dream and I had been somehow transported into the middle of some Hollywood action movie or something.

I want to beg for my life but my mouth has betrayed me. I can't fucking open them to speak. I am now panting like I have just finished a damn marathon. I blink again to confirm if there is really a gun that is directly pointed at me, only to see how his finger teasingly curls over the trigger, itching to finally pull it and end my life.

At this moment, I can only hear the loud, drumming sound of my fast heartbeat, with the sound of the rest of the world muffled.

Will this be the end of me?

The mental images of my brain exploding and my blood and brain parts messing up the floor are quite unpleasant, but when they are replaced with flashes of Emily's beautiful form right in front of me, adrenaline suddenly kicks in. Being aware of the possibility that we are in the same area right now floods my chest with warmth and boldness.

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