Chapter 5- Trust Issues

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Scrolling through the Google search results, I look for the website of my chosen school where I have decided to enroll for my postgraduate course. I know it's kind of early, but I have to know the requirements so I can prepare them earlier.

I have been planning to take a master's degree in school counseling, as I have always wanted to work as a guidance counselor at St. Benedict Elementary School where my mom had worked before.

Lily, Hunny, listen to me. Why don't you just get a job right away and earn money? Aren't you tired of going to school?

Yes, you have a point, but going for a master's degree is like legit adult stuff and a bit more serious and precise than college. The course is only for one year, and aspiring to become a counselor is one of the two reasons why I chose to study Psychology.


My mom Rebecca was a Values Education teacher for five years before she gave birth to me. My dad wanted her to focus on being a mother and a wife, as his earnings as a store manager in a local construction retail shop were enough for all our bills and expenses. He was so adamant about his decision because he didn't want Mom to be always tired and stressed up teaching those hyperactive children.

During my younger years, every time we passed by that particular school, she would always tell us some good memories she had in that school—on how those little kids had changed her life.

Teaching was her joy and her love for children made her life even more worthwhile—Well, I was not yet born at that time.

But you're the true definition of "boring" my dear...

For her, the best thing about being an elementary school teacher is also the worst part of it—the children themselves. They are a bunch of little kids--inexperienced, lazy, unmotivated, and have just so much to learn. Of course, there will always be bad kids, good kids, and the special and exceptional ones, but that's what makes the teaching profession more interesting.

What I have learned about her is that being a teacher is not about the money. It is one of the hardest professions, as you are an essential part of their memories and their learning. Watching those little kids discover, learn, and grow is a very rewarding experience.

And two.

I have always been curious about how our minds work, our consciousness, the human behavior and social interactions... and my mom being a teacher in that school had inspired me a lot. She inspired me in dealing with children.

Those two reasons made me decide to study Psychology and become a guidance counselor of those little, energetic bits.

The best part of it is I share the same interest with Katie, my best friend who is now heaven--God, I missed her so much! She would totally be so hyped up with me having a relationship with the sexiest gyno alive.

And being engaged with him.

Jeez, woman. We already know that you have a blazing love life, and while we're single and hoping for some guy to notice us. Stop bragging, Bitch.

After jotting the requirements down on my pink sticky notes, I glance at the wall clock and realize that it is already nine in the evening, and Xander is not yet home.

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