The end

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Harry decided to take a short walk to a near by bar for a drink or two to try to get his mind off things. He ordered <<insert alcoholic beverage>> and drank it straight away. He didn't drink enough to the point he was drunk but just enough he was tipsy. He decided to leave and go to the park where him and Louis always went to. The good times were filling Harry's head and it pissed him off. he needed to speak to louis alone some how. Without zayn wnd Liam and Niall around. It had to be the two of them. Harry had to apologize and explain to louis his sign. But how was he going to get Louis alone willing?
Harry began walking again going to the comic book store, Louis had to be there even if it was with zayn he would do his best to convince them both that he just wanted to talk and he wouldn't make any smart moves. Harry walked up to the comic book store and opened the door and walked in. He hadn't been here for a long time, the last time he was here was with Louis. He walked around the store and he spotted them. Harry walked up to zayn and Louis and tapped Louis on the shoulder. "What the fuck do you want asshole?" Louis said turning around to see his ex.
"Louis I really need to talk to you about stuff" Harry said in a tone that Louis nor zayn expected from him. Did he really feel bad? Louis thought to himself. "You has that chance a long time ago" louis said looking back at his comic book. "Louis please" Harry pleaded. "If he said no then fuck of-" zayn was cut off by Louis. "If you have something to say then say it and leave" Louis said annoyed. Zayn and harry were shocked. "Can I talk to you alone?" Harry asked knowing the probable answer to the question.
"What do you think?" Louis said. Harry nodded. "Can we at least talk outside even if zayn comes?" Harry asked. Louis looked at zayn. "Look if you want to talk to him louis I can't stop you" zayn said looking at Louis reassuring him. Zayn knee harry wouldn't stop until he at least got the chance to talk to louis May as well get it over and done with. Louis looked at the floor. "Fine we can talk but zayn is coming cause I don't trust you not to make any quick moves" Louis spoke. Harry figured that was something louis would say to him. The 3 headed outside. "I'll stay by the door and you guys can go around the building or something" zayn said. Louis wanted zayn to come with him but zayn wouldn't come so he went with harry beside the building not going to far away from zayn with harry. Louis still didn't trust harry. "Spit whatever bullshit you have prepared for me" Louis said annoyed. Harry was a bit hurt that Louis said that but he understood why the older boy would say such a thing. "Look Louis I'm sorry, I'm sorry for cheating on you and for saying those awful words to you that night we fight I'm sorry for everything I did wrong" Harry said in one breathe. What harry was saying shocked Louis, was harry styles really apologizing? "I love you Louis" Harry added. "If you really loved me you would've sat down and talked to me instead of fucking cheating on me" Louis said bitterly. Harry had made I love you sound like such a fucking lie. If it wasn't for zayn louis wouldn't think love existed at all. "Louis I-" harry was cut off by Louis. "Harry i don't want to hear it you not only cheated on me but you tried to basically hook up with my best friend now boyfriend and I know that your thinking zayn is just a quick fuck or a rebound but he's not whenever something happened between us he was always there and I never realized how I felt about him till recently" Louis spoke."Harry it's over between us. For good." Louis added as he walked away and harry knew he had lost louis for good.

Sorry if the ending wasn't that good but I hoped you enjoyed the story!! Check out my others stories and follow me for more fics about zouis and I may or may not have some narry  fics coming soon!!!
See you in the next one!

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