Runway now like we're supposed to do

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The two friends told niam they would be gone for a little while not giving a crap load of what Simon was going to say when they returned they both knew business had to be done but they didn't care. They got into Zayn's car and drove of to who knows where. Louis turned the radio on and blasted it as zayn laughed. This is exactly what Louis needed and he was so thankful zayn was a troublemaker just like he is. The first hour of driving went by like nothing and they decided to make a pit stop at a gas station just outside of Doncaster to grab some snacks and take a wee. They bought their snacks and began driving once again, Louis not being able to wait to eat took out an energy bar from the cheap plastic bag. In about an hour Louis would begin driving as they two lads agreed to switch off every two hours till they got to their destination. Zouis has this special place way out of town that they went to the first time they ran away together. They took the exact same route and it was the one place nobody could ever take away from them. They haven't been to it in years though seeing as they were ether busy with tour or harry got in the way. Louis' phone was blowing with messages from Simon and so was zayn's phone. They both rolled their eyes and ignored them. Simon wasn't going to make things better right now especially for Louis and Louis just needed a break from everything. The only person he needed right now was zayn and that's all the really mattered to Louis at the moment.

Hours later

They finally got to their destination. It was a small woods. Everything was the same. The same tree the looked like it was about to fall over, the same pond with the same creatures, a small breeze cooling you off from the summer heat. Everything was perfect. Louis and zayn looked around their old spot and smiled as many memories came flooding back. Louis missed this times before everything got complicated and he got with harry. He wish he could go back and change things but he knew of everything didn't play out as it did, his life could've been a hell of a lot different and in a way Louis was thankful for the pain. Zayn sat down on a near by log. Louis joined his friend as the two simply just started at their surroundings taking in everything not saying a word and enjoying each others company. It's time like these zayn wishes he could have back. Louis rested his head on Zayns shoulder and zayn rested his head on louis'. And for once
Everything felt as if it was ok.

Taken// Larry/zouis Where stories live. Discover now