"Im gonna get him back"

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It was a new day and harry was determined as ever to get Louis back. Harry went out of the house and walked around town to hopefully ether run into zayn or Louis. Luckily he knew exactly where Louis and zayn liked to hangout. The only person who knew Louis better then harry was zayn. He went to the skatepark where the two often hung out. They were there and Harry smiled to himself. Louis was skateboarding and zayn was Louis from a near by bench. He went over to the bench that was across from zayn and zayn gave harry the death glare. How dare he come here. Harry stares at zayn with a smirk and zayn couldn't help but wonder what kind of trouble harry was up too but if it involved hurting Louis again zayn wouldn't think twice about beating Harry's ass this time. Louis noticed harry was watching him as well as zayn and he stopped skateboarding and went over to zayn not wanting to be anywhere near harry. Harry rolled his eyes. Louis placed his skateboard next to the bench where zayn was sitting and then sat down beside him. "Why the hell is harry here?" Louis asked very annoyed. Zayn shurgged "you know as much as I do but if he even tries anything I won't think twice about punching him in the face" zayn said pissed that harry has the nerve to show up to his and louis' hangout place. "Let's go I don't want to be around him" Louis said getting up and grabbing his skateboard. Zayn nodded and got up as well and began walking to the exit of the park. Unfortunately the bench that harry was sitting on was right by the exit. "Hey Louis lovely day we're having aren't we?" Harry says looking around the park. Louis flared at harry which caused harry to fake frown. "Shut the fuck up Harold will you?" Zayn said annoyed. Harry chuckled "what louis can't speak for himself?" Harry asked with a sly face. "What are you even doing here you fucking loser" Louis asked beyond annoyed with harry at this point. "Well that's awfully rude isn't it lou? I just came here cause I knew you'd be here and I missed you,why don't we stop this and I come home and I get rid of your new boy toy" Harry said looking at zayn as if he was some slut that Louis had picked up from the bar. "How the fuck dare you talk about him like that? I broke up with you for a damn reason cause you cheated on me and he isn't a damn boy toy, he's my best friend and he's been there for me more then you ever have in all the years we were together" Louis shouted and then walked away. "Stay the fuck away from him" zayn said trying his hardest not to punch harry in the damn jaw. "Oh zayn I'm gonna get him back, one way or another" Harry said walking the other direction. Zayn then ran to catch up to Louis. He couldn't believe Harry had the nerve to say that to him. After everything he did to hurt Louis how does he think that Louis will just take him back. Harry use to be one of Zayn's best lads and he couldn't believe he would turn so bitter and cold. This isn't the harry they all met back in 2010.

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